All those tutorial ships taking up space or just getting in the way? In this post, I will be show you how to remove them from your Load VAB/SPH menu safely, quickly, and still have them available for when you actually want them. First, we will need to open the file where KSP is located. If you installed it to a different directory, or from Steam, this location may/will be different. C:/ksp-win-0-19-1/KSP_win/ Now create a new folder and name it accordingly. I named mine "TutShips". Next, we will need to open the file marked "Ships". In this file, you will see two folders marked "SPH" and "VAB". You will open a second window to your installed location, and move the two folders to the folder "TutShips". In the "Ships" folder, you will create two new folders and name one "SPH" and one "VAB" verbatim. IF YOU DO NOT ADD THE EMPTY FOLDERS, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO SAVE/LOAD NEW OR EXISTING SHIPS ON ALL YOUR GAME SAVES. If this has helped you out in any way, please let Squad know that it may be a good idea to have a Create New Game feature option to select if you would like to have tutorial ships loaded with your new game. ***Or, if all else, to have the option of a new icon just for the packaged ships to load for reference. Thank you Squad for making a great game, and thank you for reading this post! I do hope it helps the more experienced KSP'ers out there. (If anyone does make a YouTube vid of this, show a little credit my way! Thanks! )