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Everything posted by Monkzoren

  1. Hello there good Sir/Mam! If you are reading this, you are awesome! I need halp! Got an idea, Want to create a Part, for stations/mother ships. Its basically, a large expensive part that drains LOTS of electricity and Lets you put spacecrafts in orbit around the craft with the part! Dont know how to code this, but modeling/texturing is no problemo! Have some functionality ideas planned. If you are intrested, send me a pm!
  2. ok listen guys, don't know if this have been suggested, but! a way to make multiplayer work with moving planets and separate warp could be: Player position relative to orbiting planet. let me explain. the server have a ongoing watch on where the planets are(NO WARP HERE) together with where the spaceships are, and the clients output their position according to nearest planet. say you want to warp to the mun, from kerbal, then on the client side, things speed up, but you have a position according to the planets, and when you stop warp, you simply output the position to the server. the server now knows where you are according to the mun, and simply put your model there. serverside this would recuire a whole lot of stuff i don't even want to think about, and for other players a warp then would look like someone was going the speed of light. BUT on warp, disable physics, and collision, the player that warps becomes a ghost on the server, and when he finishes warping he materialize again. so on paper: Server tasks: Gather player positions and output according to where they are relative to planets. keep a "unwarped" universe decide if a player is a "ghost"(warping) or alive(non warping) Client: Send player position relative to planets and warp state(non warp/warp level) Catch information from server. I may have a wrong idea on how we can get player position, but if we remove the fact that planets move, and only concentrate on the orbital information from the craft, this might work. Im only a 3D artist, with some programming knowledge, so have an open mind to my idea
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