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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I couldn't resist OPT Victory looks incredible (haven't tried yet)
  2. 'its just random idea' that if.. in the future - where possible will be any multiplayer for KSP make - launch a rocket - by time-limited assembly for each player (like in real life) and maybe some ingame organisation needed to approve this lunch.. but in singleplayer you can just go crazy - like in 'simulation' :3 ps. for example some moders make new details of 'rockets' or support system its can be like game-play element for some kind multiplayer for example player can use 'primitive' basic details but for new rocket he find in-game company (modders\players) for contract or purchase new parts.. like in steam-workshop.. ah nevermind - just random ideas :]
  3. with some popular program for replacing texture in cache memory here the new texture - Lanse Flare.DDS or Lanse Flare.TGA (Free to use)
  4. well - did not know where to stick my progress - and decided here I started some tests with the mod textures and made new Lens Flare - (click on image for open gallery)
  5. Ok well - this is some Web irc client - it can be used like standart html link http://cbe003.chat.mibbit.com/?channel=%23kspofficial&server=irc.esper.net&charset=windows-1251 or like this JOIN TO KSP CHAT
  6. Use 128x128 \ 256x256 \ 512x512 \ 1024x1024 resolution for texture You can also use rectangular textures such as 512x256 (pixels) resolution like 1678x1170 is HORRIBLE (i mean its wrong) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- you can also read nice tips on CGtextures.com and use some textures from Cgtextures.com for blend with your texture
  7. 3ds max (basically) Maya Zbrush (basically) Mudbox Topogun (basically) xNormal (basically) Photoshop (basically of course) Blender (beginning) Silo (curiosity) (Nice program - small \ light \ fast \ easy ) Sculptris (for fun) ps. good only those program that you know how to use
  8. Hello, I am very interested.. Kerbal Space Program support Normal map and Specular map textures for ships(rockets)?
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