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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. the equation for the drag coefficient of the parts is: (mass1*max_drag1+mass2*max_drag2....) [divided by] (mass1+mass2...) and you include every part in the equation. hope this helps with the mod calculating the drag source: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/5235-Atmospheric-drag/page5?p=88804&viewfull=1#post88804
  2. can you post what areas of teh tech tree you have unlocked? it will make it a lot easier for people to help you.
  3. I'm in need of info on engine clusters. I'm unsure about when to use them, what kind of and how many engines should/could replace what engine, and other stuff like that. I am also wondering when it's best to use radial engines and how to tell what kind and how many i should use. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  4. before i start, I just want to say I'm not completely sure if this is the right forum section for this. I was wondering if there is a way or mod to transfer large amounts of resources quickly to multiple containers. I've tried to find some stuff that might do this, but i could only find stuff like merlin's mod which isnt exactly what i need. I just need something that i can use to, for example, to transfer fuel from a space station in orbit to multiple fuel tanks at the same time on a ship docked at the station. It would also be helpful to have something that can just fill a docked ship with certain resources, eg, fill a bunch batteries or a lots of the small RCS pods in only a few clicks. the main reason i could use this is because some of my space stations have alot of rcs pods on them and take forever to fill, and some of my ships have alot of fuel tanks
  5. i've tried time warp when they are as straight as possible, but they don't even bend slowerr when i come out, they work right back up to the amount they waved before. i also rarely turn S.A.S. on in my space stations. i'm making a copy of the ISS in this. trying to make the relative size of everything match up.
  6. i have some solar panels on beams, and when i rotated, a pair started waving like crazy, and now it won`t stop waving even with time warp. it just freezes in place and starts right back up when i exit it. does anyone know a way to stop it? here`s a picture of it. it`s in the bottom right part
  7. acidently reposted what i said earlier. don`t know how to delete this
  8. if you only have the command pod left, and no fuel tanks, you`re out of luck. even if you have rcs thrusters (what i think you mean, could be wrong), you don`t have any fuel to use them. i suggest ending flight and restarting. when you look at the map, at some point during your mun approach the path should switch. when that happens, turn your rocket around to burn retro grade (i`m going to assume you know how) and slow your speed down. i recommend 100 meters a second, and just burn every once in a while to that point. when you get to around 7500 meters slow down to 50m/s. and when the altimeter gets to 5000m, press c to get cockpit view and use the radio altimeter, and try to cancel out as much horizontal velocity as possible to the retrograde marker in the center of the blue half of the nav ball. as you get closer to the ground, try to keep you speed under 10m/s for landing. also, make sure you arent wasting fuel. you want to have enough to be able to get back. hope this helps.
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