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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I don`t know where to put in, I put in all the other files in their correct places. But can`t figure that "source" one out :/. Help me please!
  2. me too , lol. I still got lag, but I could get it to run on low settings.
  3. I don`t have a screenshot but, my modded Aries 4A goes 250m/s+
  4. I like, but to replace that cone in front of the engines, probably get an intake for better speed/take off
  5. This is why we have autosave.
  6. i'm a noob, and I'm enjoying this game. Even though I suck at building Space Planes/Rockets I go download some that are already built. I don't really mind at the challenge, right now, it's my 5th time trying to get into orbit without instructions.(I already know the controls)
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