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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Hi everyone! Here is my Shuttle for the Mun Base, hope you like it. Name of the Utility: Mun Base Dropship Author: Cornivius Number of parts: 135 including the support structure for mounting it on a rocket. 105 after decoupling it Total mass: 37.45 Capacity for 4 kerbals. There is a prove body so it doesn't need any of them to work. Screenshot: The decoupler mounted on the structure underneath is aligned with the center of mass so you only need to built the rocket under it .Craft: http://www./download/bj2d1915cp260ci/Mun_Base_Dropship.craft Custom1: Shuts down the main nuclear engines Custom2: Toggles all engines, alternating between vertical and horizontal movement. If you rise the gear while landed the rear docking port is at standard heigh so you can dock to it with a rover. This hasn't been tested on the Mun but it works on Kerbin Suggestions: The idea is using the main nuclear engines to slow down to a hover near the surface of the Mun and then descend the rest using the other engines so it can land on the landing gear. For take off, apply the same procedure in reverse.
  2. I'm a little confused with the Current Construction Brief. By re-fueler/shuttle you mean something that can transfer fuel between a fuel tank in orbit and the recently submited fuel tank for the base and that it is also capable of taking kerbals to and from the station? The station doesn't have much fuel so I'm not sure if you want to take it from it. Also, it can only host 4 kerbals so exacly how many are "a few"? Should the shuttle be able to transfer all four? It seems like too much trouble otherwise. Maybe the fuel transfer ship and the kerbal shuttle should be two different proyects.
  3. Author: Cornivius Name of the utility: Fuel Reserve Total mass: 36.8 (Includes the parts that decouple with the rocket) Parts: 57 with the decoupler structure, 38 once decoupled. Desription: A simple fueling facility for liquid fuel, RCS fuel and electric charge. It's controled from one of the new probe bodies and can be driven around for easier placement. It comes equipped with landing legs for a safer landing, two standard height docking ports and an additional one on top for the skycrane. It also includes a decoupling structure attached to the bottom that is aligned with the center of mass for easy mounting on any rocket. Screenshots: .Craft: http://www./?f87t1r1ggit8yrg
  4. Here is my entry for the small space station. It's as simple as it can get without lacking detail. It's controled form a probe so it has space for two kerbals and has fuel to land on the Mun or get back to Kerbin from a munar orbit. It also has a parachute just in case you want the kermans to return safely and not just crash them. Screenshots: Parts: 56 Mass: 6.89 Also available a model with a hitchhiker storage container, though it doesn't look as cool: Parts: 57 Mass: 9.39 For both models, custome1 toggles the solar panels and custome2 decouples things attached to the docking port. .Crafts: Small Station: http://www./view/4ojw8k3hxtp4287/Small_Station.craft Small Station XlL: http://www./view/ist0ys93r6n4v4z/Small_Station_XL.craft
  5. the forum deleted my last post so I'm reposting it. Sorry if it appears twice afterwards. Name of the Utility: Lobster Truck Screenshots: Efficacy proved on Kerbin (rather extreme efficacy): .CRAFT: http://www./download.php?zbl5ghl13hg40i4 Total Mass: 17.235 Number of Parts: 94 Creator: Cornivius Description: The landing gear can be used to go through terrain that would otherwise bump into the lower part of the truck, like going off the run-way. It can also be used to give a more precise angle to the frontal landing legs. The truck comes fully equiped with ASAS, lights, radio-thermal generators, a standard height docking port on the back side and RCS fuel and thrusters (the last ones were added after the screenshot). It also has its own rockets and fuel so a sky crane is not needed. The lower attachment point is aligned with the center of mass for easier mounting on a rocket. Apart from flipping things over, it can also be used to transport fuel and/or kerbals. The fuel usage during landing is minimal so even before refueling the truck can use its rockets to jump hundreds of kilometers across the munar surface, it can even get itself back into orbit (successfully tested), that way you can avoid driving long and tedious distances. I hope its useful. Controls: 1. Toggles Frontal Landing Gear 2. Toggles Posterior Landing Gear 3. Toggles Landing legs
  6. This messege was deleted for some reason but it appeared again. Sorry for double post
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