Lataruz Tech brings you the latest from the Cya Later brand of escape technology, for all who want to save the kerbans from the ship in case of a emergency. The ejection seat is the basic escape method and can be attached on most crafts This is made entirely of stack parts Features 2x sepratrons and 2x parachutes, the sepratrons are set to a slight angle to give the seat a little spin and stability ( I hope) Then we have the Escape Pod MK 1 Uses mostly parts from a few mods, inside is the ejection seat The pod is attached to a ship with a large docking port so its able to redock to a ship if needed, the pod can also be released by the stack seperator(must be separated from pod before ejection seat is activated) The pod also has to LLL engines on the side so it can deorbit itself if needed. It did survive from a 80km down to Kerbin with the deadly reentry mod and a heat shield. The album shows the rest of the testings WIll try to get a video up later. Also going to try learning some 3D modeling by making a casing that attaches to a ship with this pod inside. and maybe a pod if I can