I spent weeks in between classes putting together an unmanned rover mission to every mun around Jool. I designed a type of rover that was theoretically capable of landing in any gravitational and atmospheric environment. I would dock 6 to a mothership which would fly them all to Jool and release one to each moon, with one spare that I could chuck into Jool for the laughs. I discovered that the first version of the mothership didn't have the delta-V or even a way to refuel. So after an excessive amount of explosions; I managed to lob a second mothership into Kerbin orbit, rendezvous with the first mothership, transfer over the three rovers I had already launched to the first mothership, launch the other three and dock them, and refuel the entire monstrosity. By the time I left Kerbin orbit I was crawling at 4 fps, 6 if I was lucky. I finally got a Jool encounter; time warped to it; quick-saved; warped to periapsis; quick-saved; burned into an elliptical orbit that crossed all the muns' orbits; quicksaved; then I realized that I was orbiting retrograde. Commence with head-on-desk smashing.