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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. ah.. ok.. I'll fix it. is it working now? so yeah. if someone could just confirm that the picture is there in the previous post I'd appropriate it.
  2. Here's the rough model I made. It's more of a concept of art then the finished result. any thoughts?
  3. Yeah i know, my question was rather if it was any point for me to start modeling a new Rocket Parts production model. but I've already started. I'll post the rough idea here soon, just gonna splash on some materials so it looks nice.
  4. Hi, I've been using this mod a few times now and rage the f*** out due to all the ships exploding on launch, so I've been developing designs for the launchpad for the fix, but there is a new launchpad coming now so why bother I say. BUT, the part manufacturing, I whould really like to the that part upgraded or changed alltogether. And if you want I can make just that. To me it would seem more realistic, and quite nice, to have a CNC machine (a metall mill/drill) make parts instead. with a few nice animations of metal spools flying when it is producing. Would this be if any interest? if not then I dont think I'll bother to model it, but if you want it I can make it. btw.. AWESOME MOD!, and I'm still saying that after having spent 2 days trying to make a legit base on the Mun without all the rockets exploding. and yeah, all legit, looking forward to the next release.
  5. bump! I've been reading about this stuff and it seems that multithreading will not be a simple walk in the park patch. I'm guessing they have to rewrite big parts of the core KSP to adapt it into LOOM. but it could be worth it and I hope they do. :D
  6. Hi there, This is my suggestion for a small lightweight Space Station, or rather a Docking station. it has a dockingport in each direction and the top and bottom docking node is marked with small batteries for easy spotting. download with lifting stage: http://www./download/5o9w2bo0edjrgib/Mun_orbital_Docking_node.craft download without the lifting stage: http://www./download/z676varr1azpaqe/Mun_Orbital_Docking_Node_mk1.craft I've made a launcher that will get it to munar orbit with plenty of fuel remaining in the nuclear drive stage.
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