Hi, I've been using this mod a few times now and rage the f*** out due to all the ships exploding on launch, so I've been developing designs for the launchpad for the fix, but there is a new launchpad coming now so why bother I say. BUT, the part manufacturing, I whould really like to the that part upgraded or changed alltogether. And if you want I can make just that. To me it would seem more realistic, and quite nice, to have a CNC machine (a metall mill/drill) make parts instead. with a few nice animations of metal spools flying when it is producing. Would this be if any interest? if not then I dont think I'll bother to model it, but if you want it I can make it. btw.. AWESOME MOD!, and I'm still saying that after having spent 2 days trying to make a legit base on the Mun without all the rockets exploding. and yeah, all legit, looking forward to the next release.