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Redwork Studios-Redwork1

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Posts posted by Redwork Studios-Redwork1

  1. AFAIK that would be done through a plugin. One good place to start is by checking out TaranisElsu's TAC Life Support mod, he's done a lot of good work with Kerbals already.

    Next step is contacting TaranisElsu then. Onwards to professional assistance and plugin developing!

    Also, Thanks!

  2. Well, Ive been brainstorming about modding, and hit a point, got stuck. Now I'm here.

    So, does ANYONE have any knowledge of modifying kerbals, as in doing something like... changing EVA propellant from 5 to like... 9785? Anything is appreciated. Not sure if this is a 'valid' modding question, or if it infringes any kind of squad legal things. If it does infringe such legal things, thread can be locked, as I have no knowledge of anything related to the actual logistics of kerbals, and have scoured google about this topic very thoroughly. Also, thanks in advance, for any useful information!

    I have concluded that this would be done through plugins. NOW, begin the plugin development help (plz)!

    (Thanks Regex!)

  3. ISSO Update

    1-23-14 00:25 GMT

    Two things:

    1.Again, we need flight volunteers to get gears turning and other members inspired.

    2. I'm thinking we should have engineers make/submit some stock rockets for pilots to use. I could throw them into a database on Google drive.

    Glad that this is back on its feet! Anyways, Ive got stock rockets every where! Anyways, because of my laziness, Im wondering; are we passing a save around? If so, I could happily apply to do orbital rendezvous, docking, etc. and all the simple extremely complex everyday orbital maneuvering, for the peoples here. Also, database needs a link on the OP for peoples's viewing pleasure.

  4. Well, everyone, you have my regards, I was glad to accomplish my 1 assigned munar mission and had alot of fun watching this, sadly, not much has happened for a month now, and that cant be a good sign. Unless this serves as a rally for this to get totally revamped, I dont think much else will happen here :(

    Best Regards,

    Redwork Studios

    Redwork One

    Redwork Two

    Redwork Three

  5. Hello, Im having trouble with downloading the sub parts from spaceport, and would like to request an alternative download link, considering that I cant download the parts from space port, because the downloads cut out at 10-15mb, and wont let me unzip the file, probably because it is corrupt from a half download. Sorry if I missed the link somewhere in the 100+ pages of this, or if its staring me in the face on smaugsfire, but I don't see it. Please, at least just stick it on media fire and give us a link, as some (at least the three of us) are unable to use this spectacular looking mod. Thanks!


    Redwork One

    Redwork Two

    Redwork Three

  6. Yeah, I never got around to getting on imgur, I just have all my screenshots on steam.

    Oh, you use steam! That explains it! Well, doesn't really matter, Just want to keep this nice and... short, so that 1 comment isnt an entire page :P

    Edit: Unless its my comment.

  7. Hey everyone! Just going to share my latest little... project, on creating some SSTO aircraft, that can deliver small probes and such to interplanetary ships (and stuff!). But anyways, considering that I am an engineer, I thought that I would post these! But, considering I just started these, they are no where near being cargo shuttles, but thats what I'm working on :wink:


    EDIT: Stupid sig, slicing yourself in half like that! Anyone else seeing this? \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ ? Anything?!

  8. Hello... err... everyone! Well, these are some of my first working SSTO designs. They are super basic, and mildly optimistic, and 99% of my SSTO knowledge was learned from... Youtube! If you want to learn how to make an SSTO yourself, get out of here :sticktongue:! This will teach you nothing! Hurray for uncommon knowledge! But anyways, these are my designs.

    SSTO Mk. III


    This is the Mk. I small design, mostly just to test out SSTO capabilities, and is more of a bench mark for the thrust to weight ratios (and stuff!).


    Javascript is disabled. View full album

    Craft file:

    SpacePort: Here!

    SSTO Mk. XII

    Description: Also known as the Shuttle Mk. II, testing for larger craft, with larger payloads. Can also be called the Mk. XII (12)



    Link is the same, accidentally put them both in the file :wink:

    Anyways, if you got here from the ISSO, thanks for clicking my link!

    If you want to know what the ISSO is, click on "ISSO" in my sig!

    Or, if you got here from the SpacePort, do whatever you wish

    (do not take for actual permission to do what ever you wish. Any displays of free will, WILL result in immediate testing and examination, and drafting into the prototype rocket division.)

    Edit: is my sig getting cut off?

  9. Ok, here is the experiment that we did! Im literally copying it off of my hard drive as I find it :P

    Ok, well, Im going to have to post the pics on Imgur, so a slight delay on those!

    But onto the science...

    We found that an inclination change of a range of 1-10 degrees, on average, spaces the landing at exactly 108.6 meters, on a transfer from Kerbin, to the Mun (With hyper edited landing within 5 seconds of entering the Mun's SOI). So... A larger transfer (Kerbin to Jool) Would probably end... err... Badly. Several kilometers off the intended mark, several thousand units of wasted fuel doing un-needed maneuvers... Well thats pretty much it. Bigger change than we expected (Close to 50 meters was our prediction :rolleyes:), but not enough to totally ruin your trip to the mun.


  10. Hey, Bio, I actually got back into kerbal, because of a science experiment we did at school ( with kerbal! yay!). But anyways, we did some stuff about how extremely small angles affect the distance of landing (on the mun!). Should I post the sciency part of it? IDK if it even relates to what we are doing, but its science, none the less.

    Redwork Studios

    Redwork one

  11. Hello! I have (more or less) returned to active... err... activity. Anyways, looking through the thread, l like the progress!

    Also, I believe with the new "legit science" we should totally disregard it, and continue on with the way that we / you have been working, but I'm guessing that we should include a section about the "mystery goo" and the "9001 Science Jr." modules, to include the reactions of the materials in different environments, but that would have to be done in career mode, only because the science modules done "operate" in sandbox mode. Also, I want to make it, more or less clear, that I want to be in charge of (specifically) satellite designing, and / or custom mission flags.


    Redwork Studios,

    Redwork One.

    Edit (pointless)

    Redwork Three (not forum registered. He's derping :P . He just says "hey! you should add my name into your post!" and im all like "okey dokey then" because I have no reason not to)


    I just remembered about my new isso logo! Ill stick it in... momentarily!

    Edit! Here it is!


    Edity edity :P

    Its tiny!

  12. Ill work on a probe :)

    Edit: Hey bio, can I be changed from rocket engineer to satellite engineer? Its more fitting.

    Edit Edit: Im assuming its measuring gravity so m using gravity measurement instruments.

    Edit x3: I'm going to PM you the probe with pics and the .craft

    Edit x4: Cross out edit 2, its a map sat probe, not gravity :rolleyes:

    Edit x5 Lost the probe :blush:

    Edit x6 LOST IN THE PREVIOUS KSP!! which is deleted :mad:

  13. I now want to do this legit, with mapsat, can someone make me a moho mapsat probe

    Ill work on a probe :)

    Edit: Hey bio, can I be changed from rocket engineer to satellite engineer? Its more fitting.

    Edit Edit: Im assuming its measuring gravity so m using gravity measurement instruments.

    Edit x3: I'm going to PM you the probe with pics and the .craft

    Edit x4: Cross out edit 2, its a map sat probe, not gravity :rolleyes:

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