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Redwork Studios-Redwork1

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Everything posted by Redwork Studios-Redwork1

  1. Oh! That makes sense. Im doing a stock and kethane file and trying to figure out how to get it. SUBMARINE TIME!
  2. Err... I have on odd question. How do you mine kethane in water? Its not working for me. Edit: also, is there a way to get a larger scan area? If so, how?
  3. Welcome to the ISSO! I am the other engineer, and I design the rockets. It will be interesting to see how this plays out, with 2 different styles of building going together in the same rocket. See you on the thread! RWSaCP; RedworkStudios; RedworkOne.
  4. so... no one is working on their assignments? are they waiting for me? Err... why/how am I on break?
  5. Ok, going with the pixel art, and its looking awesome. So far, no requests for anything, but thats to be expected.
  6. Hey, just FYI, I will build stock rockets, so everyone will be able to use them, without having to download usless mods for one purpose. Also, Should I design the launcher AND the payload (satellite, pod, etc.), or just the launcher or vice versa? Also, going to design a new logo soon, more oriented for the ISSO for my sig. As long as it took for me to make my present logo, it must go. Out with the old, and in with the new, as they say. Just need to get the software on my new computer. (P.S. I got a new hardcore gaming computer!) Edit: Im getting fairly good at pixel art, should I do that for the logo, or more of realism?
  7. Yeah, you just kind of forget that all of the NASA missions are computer controlled. If anything, KSP should be part of KSP, so if you are trying to simulate a launch that NASA did IRL. Anyways, Im actually looking into the whole MechJeb thing. Its actually pretty cool!
  8. Heck yah! Official Rocket Engineer! Also, +1 to the jobs, it would make it run more smoothly, without the giant bumps of no one doing anything. So, whatdoIhavetobuildasofficalrocketengineeroftheISSOSpacebarjustbroke!lolnospaces.Illgetitfixed.Ihope.NOSTAGING!AHHHHHH!!!!
  9. [Light Fighters] ••Wasp mk1 fighter•• [Docking Capabilities] 1 refueling port 2 missiles attachment ports [Propulsion] Twin Ion Engines [Weapons] Twin RP02 missiles [Description] "The most basic fighter, easy to pilot, and has an experimental IVA targeting system."
  10. [spear Head Fighters] ••Manatee Class Fighter•• [Docking Capabilities] 1 Refueling/Connection port [Propulsion] 1 Mainsail "Skipper" Engine 2 Rocomax mark 55 Engines [Weapons] Barbed Head for piercing ships armor.
  11. [Frigates] ••Warthog Class Frigate•• --in development--
  12. [Carriers] ••Elephant Class Carrier•• [Docking Capabilities] -32 (max.) fighter docking ports -5 frigate support ports -1 Mass Automated Refueling Silo Port [Propulsion] -4 Nuclear engines [Weapons] -none- *Automated* Pics to come...
  13. Here, I will be posting all of the ships used in the UKSBA fleet of mine, used in large scale battles throughout the RWSaCP organization. Consists of five categories; •Battle platform [A large stationary platform, in UKSBA controlled space as a command post, capable of docking frigates, has large missiles] •Carrier [used as fighter transports and flag ships] •Frigate [used as smaller carriers, have on ship weapons, but carry few fighters] •Spear-head fighters [used as battering rams] •Heavy fighters [used as defense, or frontline, for large scale invasions •Light fighters [used as a light fighter, not very effective against Carriers or Frigates.] P.S. I hope to aid Macey Dean in his videos! I AM NOT DONE! I AM UPDATING ALL POSTS
  14. Hmm, thats good! We need 1 more company to join the ISSO, but you'll have to wait for a response from Bioman, he is the "captain" of this organization. I hope you get in on this, its a blast, IF you have an assignment. Other than the waiting, its a very scientific and organized group of companies. Everyone here represents a different ksp company, I represent the RWSaCP, a satellite development research organization. See you on the forums! RWSaCP- Redwork One- Edit: I can also set you up with a company banner for your sig.
  15. hmm... ok! Could I redesign some parts to get down to the surface? Yah Ill do that! Everyone in on this assignment give me a list of parts they need for the extreme heat, Ill get them ready for the mission. Also, Bio, Im alright with doing less missions, if Im doing more of... designing satellites and parts for people to send up. Our company is a legitimate company IRL, and we are more along the lines of designing, not actually piloting, I myself am a rubbish pilot, but I can get mostly anywhere, given the time and resources. The mun is NP, but... rendezvousing is a pain. Docking, a piece of cake. Very good at the nitty-gritty technical things, but not so much the larger things, unless I've done it a million times. But anyways, Im still open for this kind of stuff, maybe a bit of a challenge getting to the sun, not orbiting, but actually crashing into it.
  16. Wouldn't they explode, before they hit the sun? overheating?
  17. Yah, pretty pumped to do something with 0.21, BUT, how will we measure the surface tempature, or gravity of the sun, with out landing?
  18. Hey Bio, just saying, I don't see a flag... my computer might be spazzing, but its not there. at all. just a space.
  19. Hey Bio, I have an Idea for the ISSO: Each company gets promotions, based on the difficult of the missions they do, and how fast they do it. Example: So you have 3 teams. Team 1 is measuring the gravity of Eve, Team 2 is mapping Eve, and Team 3 is mapping Gilly. Team 1 has to drop multiple probes into the atmosphere, and have them survive landing, and be able to retrieve their data. Team 2 has to orbit several mapsats and team 3 has to orbit mapsats around a small moon. Team 1 has the most work to do, but team 3 finishes the fastest, so Team 1 gets the bigger promotion, Team 3 the second most, and Team 2 the least, for doing an average assignment in an average amount of time. So, ranks don't mean anything, except they show experience, and the companies with the least experience/ lowest rank are more likely to get an assignment, and higher ranks get less. Example: Team 1 = R1 | Team 2 = R2 | Team 3 = R4 | Team 4 = R5 __________________________________________________ Team 1 has the lowest rank, so they get more jobs, and until their rank is greater than the average rank (R3) they get more jobs in that time frame for jobs. so they get to R3, they get less jobs. Team 2 gets less jobs than Team 1, but more than 4 and 5. Team 5 gets the least amount of jobs, because they have the highest rank. Just some ideas that Im throwing out there... Thanks! Redwork Studios Redwork One Redwork Two
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