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Posts posted by Yesbox360

  1. I made this Rover, It only one problem that I notice and that is that It have a landing gear that needs to be extended for it to move (it can be used to flip the skycrane).

    It have about 40 parts+ about 6 parts whit a cockpit kerbals so you don't need to build a tower to get a kerbal in :D

    It has a solar panel and 4 ant engine that probably will make it fly (not tested it on the mun) and 8 RCS and a RCS tank for them, it also got 2 smal liquid tank.

    This is my first upload and I love your chanel!!

    The link is here http://www./?13ujgxyz7949x82 Hope u like it, can anyone else fly it to the mun and test it? Im quite a noob of getting things out of kerbal.

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