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Everything posted by TheGamerOutcast

  1. Hello Harv!! I have a Utility here for you that I think you (And the Kerbals you throw up to the station) may like! They may get home sick and want to watch the moon or other things, so I build an observation deck you can use! It uses two regular docking ports, and even has a tug on the top! This tug is used to control the deck and the RCS on deck, but can be used for other deeds. Name of utility: Observation Deck Picture of the Observation Deck (In VAB): Total mass: Ooo, that's a nice one, only weighing in at 28.05 Tons! This thing is super lightweight, and the glass is even shatterproof! The Craft File: http://www.fileswap.com/dl/8FzjerZeuf/ (I would have it in KSP but it won't let me post attachments D: But needless to say this file should work). My Name: The Outcast Gamer Extra: Some struts may not be needed, but I'm very careful with my station (I blew up one of them anyway, oh well). If you decide to use my craft, thank you! And have fun launching your Kerbals into orbit and letting them watch their base pass over again
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