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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I'll give it a try when uploaded. Really cool idea!
  2. Hello, Here is a very simple trailer I've made in the last 24 hours for you guys. I just thought that this answer of Neil Degrasse Tyson is a great message to us (KSP players) and everybody out there. Please leave some feedback and most important, enjoy the message.
  3. Thanks! Thanks, that part actually involved a bit of work just to synchronize everything... The final result was kind of epic, yes. Thanks, i like the challenge of using only stock parts, however mods give us so much diversity that it's almost impossible to resist. I used the "video enhancement" toll in Cyberlink PowerDirector 11. All mods used are in the video description of each episode.
  4. Hi all, This is a small storytelling mission in cinematic form that I'm currently producing for you guys, please bear in mind that this is my first experience in recording and editing so a feedback would be much appreciated. Leave a reply and most importantly... Enjoy!
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