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  1. Is there any other way to sync the orbits real tight? I have put them in a fairly good position but eventually they will.. uhh... derail?
  2. Hi Romfarer, thanks for the awesome docking mod! Thing is, I now started using Fusteks docking ports.. is there an easy way for me to make them compatible with your docking cam mod? Oooooor is it possible you can make a comp. patch?
  3. Well I will still use your mod even if it does not have the feature and I hope you find a way .
  4. Thats a cool idea, they will work as... cross hairs of sorts, cool .
  5. Cool, am I supposed to look at the numbers in the window?? You showoff! very nice station ---------- Well thanks guys for the help I guess I have to wing it then, to bad lazor dock don't work with fusteks ports. I hope fustek mods his docking berthing port so they have to snap aligned .
  6. Ah yes, but when I searched for mods I used logic because lets face it, the spaceport is not perfect . So I searched for downloads and rating, and you sir have a very popular mod. How about having a folder in the main mod that says "Optional-RemoteTech_Probe_Compatability", its only 8kb and it kinda is part of the mod . I'm having a blast with your mod (with the addon) since it adds value or purpose to satellites. And I just hope other people are not missing out because they missed the probe comp. addon.
  7. Is there any way to make two crafts with docking ports, dock perfectly aligned (0°, 45°, 90° etc) with each other?
  8. Pretty pretty pretty please fusty! Can you make so that the "Common Berthing Mechanisms" actually locks in place straight. So that the orange things always snap to each other, because that is what I thought this mod was, Now I am really really depressed.
  9. Oh I'm sorry, I'm afraid I was not very clear. Yes it is very obviously visible on the forums. The problem is not everyone uses these forums but they are probably downloading mods. And the actual place where you download it (kerbalspaceport) it IS nonexistent.
  10. Sure I can understand that but my point was if people don't want 100% remote control, why don't they just send sat's up and pretend they are involved in some remote network? (vanilla KSP). Guess I'm just one of those few "eat the cake or leave the cake" people . At least the main mod needs a BIG pointer to "Probe Compatability". Because it's nonexistent.
  11. Well then! Problem solved, why not just adding it to the main mod? Just my opinion Thanks for answering quickly!
  12. JDP , can you please add smaller parts like the QBE or OKTO's to your remotecontrol, or simply edit the QBE OKTO to only work together with your mod. Because I like building my own satellites and while your mod is awesome in its foundation, not be able to build my own "micro"satellites is kinda of a deal breaker for me. I like those parts for satellites probes, and rovers. And remote controlling them works fine without antennas and stuff. Or am I missing something big here?
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