This is my new spaceplane collection, still under development! It is made just for its look and the easy handling Triungulin MK1 Status: Fully developed This is a plane with a really quick rotation but it can be a little drunk sometimes. It flies like a charm and is able to pull up very quick. Made for recreational purposes, and not for long distances although you could do it, it would be better to use a quicker and more stable plane. 88 Parts Triungulin MK2 Status: Still under construction This plane was made just to impress users, with its inefficient holes and useless wings it is a beautiful plane. The plane has a quick rotation but doesn't have the quick pull up that the MK1 has. Of course this plane is able to fly and also able to sustain its stability. 89 Parts Download links: Triungulin MK1: Triungulin MK2: