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Everything posted by toyimp

  1. I do recall the docking camera bugging out a bit actually. It would work on the Jr. port but not the normal. Unfortunately I removed the mods and loaded my save game to see what was causing it and ended up losing my station. Completely did not occur to me that I should back up the save file. "Should've had a V8" moment for sure.
  2. I'm having an issue with this mod. It is not allowing me to end a flight or go to the space center. Anyone else been having this at all? I found out it is this mod by taking out each mod that I have installed and reloading.
  3. Just need to make a mission flag if I understand flags properly. Just set the placed flags name as "Kethane Deposit" and viola.
  4. I started a new game as well since the 0.20 update. Guess I'll start working on a new fuel depot station till kethane is 'officially' updated. Can't wait though!
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