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Everything posted by Rhyunix

  1. The Freight Arrives Part 3, Part 1 At this point, SESEOR's dilemmas seem to be over- now the focus is on the landing of the module itself We left off on our way to the Mun. Now we start the Transit This gives me a lot of time to ramble as I don't get these opportunities during the other updates as there are far too many images for it to be fun to read and look. As I've said, the SESEOR base parts have been redesigned. I didn't mention the second redesign from the previous post - Some of you may of gathered this if you looked at the planned concept and the module that is currently on its way to the Mun. This module has four adaptions. You may wonder why. I shall tell you: The modules themselves have specific margins of size so that they don't way too much and so that they won't collide with each other on the ground. The adaptions you see are to avoid legs colliding with the main body of the habitat module. It enables all kinds of specialized modules to be added to the main module. As such, there is no real "core module", only a variety of other modules that will, most likely, be coming off the main body of habitat modules. For example, the power modules (TBC) will come to be docked sideways. This is due to the two docking modules being mounted on the same axis. They will be either connecting other modules or will be branching off the main modules. I hope this explains that, will detail if people don't understand with a diagram (yay diagrams ) Now to the good stuff Leaving the Kerbin world behind in the Transfer The Mun is getting closer. In the Mun's SOI, really close now, turned retrograde for the short burn for a roughly equal parking burn and orbit Burn commencing With the puny poodle engine, everything is slower but incredibly efficient Finishing up the burn Done! Nice equatorial, equal and high orbit. When the base is in position, we shall burn retrograde to get down and land. Thats for part 2 though
  2. Hahaha, that is quite funny, I haven't done anything like that but I will try to remember that for next time
  3. I love you Nassault, accept my hugs through this screen damnit!
  4. All I can say to these awesome people is not even a word:
  5. I must ask one question- How do you do linethroughs? There isn't a symbol for them in advanced posting. Also EPIC WORK!
  6. Thank you! Bear in mind I did this with windows move maker because I'm a cheapstake
  7. A cinematic that I'd been working on for a bit, just uploaded it - enjoy! www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQ4exUQJjtQ&feature=youtu.be
  8. Will there be a Vall space program? OH BOY OH BOY! Theres got to be a continuation of the epicness!
  9. Nice! I will want to see the growth of this mission
  10. Freight Arrives Part.2 Where I left off, the SESEOR Hab 1 was running out of fuel. After the burn, there was barely enough for sub-orbital so I used the landing engines to limp into orbit I was stuck- Then came the first stroke of Kerbal Ingenuity Launching the SESEOR Mega 1 HLV The newest launching vehicle, the Mega 1 HLV was designed to take a variety of payloads into a Kerbin Orbit. Now it was rapidly altered for fuel carrying On the launchpad, it looks similar to the Mun mission launchers Liftoff Engines are at 80% Stage separation 1st Stage second engine still going strong into sub-orbital trajectory Stage Separation (at some crazy angle) Burning away Now in the intercepting orbit, I turn the fuel payload around and prepare for the braking Target is visually confirmed and I turn on the RCS and tracking systems (aka SAS) 70 m away 30 m away, adjusting angles 20 m away, slowing down (OOC: I've done this before so not really breaking a sweat) 5 m, prepare for connection! Docking sequence completed, fuel transfers begun *** Back at KSC, a dilemma has formed- Their calculations estimated there was not enough fuel for both the TMI and the MOB. SESEOR scientists disagreed. I did too What happened I screwed the flight-plan Experimented with burn methods- same outcome, couldn't get there. In conclusion, Mission failure NOT TODAY What (With the help of Kerbal Censorship) Really happened Stroke of Kerbal Ingenuity No. 2 I The SESEOR Scientists came up with another idea - the fuel payload had a measly Poodle engine. However with trial and many an error calculations, both the Scientists and KSC figured that It could be done - they transferred back the fuel to the re-fueler and detached the Would-be TMI stage. The burn began It was long, tense and boring But, after the 2:30 s burn, the trajectory readouts state that the Mission is still good - The question is; will the module make it to the surface? Find out in part 3
  11. I concur with NASAFanboy, what is its surface like? Who discovered this?
  12. The Freight Arrives (Part.1) (OOC) After Julius had been positioned in a high equatorial orbit, I left it out of the equation and focused on what needed to be rebuild. I had in mind this post being on a research project of mine involving a rover but then I thought that actually, I had no base for it (facepalm) Here is the news anyway: The freight: SESEOR Hab 1 The newly designed habitat module consists of more stuff which I will explain the usefullness of later on Liftoff! Full power! Stage Separation A nice, dramatic night launch Stage Separation (note the asparagus) The 1st stage's final stage burning strong Stage 2 Starts its burn Burn is nearly over Stage 3 kicks in. I find a major issue. The weight of the new module is far higher than anticipated. This can't be good. (You can really see now the new design, its been made so that I don't have an issue which, again, I will explain later) And so as the situation becomes dire, I resort to my brain and hope. Question is... Will I succeed? Find out in Part 2
  13. At the top, thread tools, subscribe - That means alot to me! Thank you
  14. This is an email I wrote to ksp last year four days ago Its just so funny To Mission Control, I know that this has been mentioned previously for updates but the implications for docking are huge. The uses i can think of are as follows: Using the Docking maneuvers to make orbital meetings Using the Docking Module to meet up with satellites Using the Docking Module for creation of space stations (although this is an obvious one there are other implications for this as well (see next paragraph) Using the Docking module for attaching and detaching an interplanetary lander (like the Apollo Program did) and returning the astronaut to the rocket with fuel in I know you might me annoyed about the fact that i'm not using the forums for this conversation but i didn't want to create a profile just yet as i have some plans for YouTube. Then i can create my name and be sure that people will be able to find me and comments i make (I might notify you guys if i do create a YouTube account, stay tuned) A main implication for docking is of course, the space station. A problem I foresaw would damage the space stations capabilities would be that you would need to design modules for the space station so that people can take full advantage of the newly added IVA. Now, based on one of my designs you can see where the problems would spring up. ( Observe Attachment 96) This Space-station design was an entirely new idea that i formed in my head. A flaw (that could be fixed with docking) is that i had to put the whole thing into space altogether and this decreased maneuverability. However i got into orbit and it is still sitting there (intentionally) as there is no thrust capabilities. (apart from the retro rockets) Although the orbiting route to plan and timing would be difficult, using the docking module would mean that i could use the same rocket with different payload and i would get the same effect. This would be one of the main purposes in many people's eyes for docking capabilities. There are indeed mods and other fancy gadgets and gizmos that could be used to assist in the docking sequence that can be downloaded from the KSP mod section, But i would strongly recommend for noobs like me that there is a computer that is added that enables a player to let the computer to launch the rocket so that it will meet up with the space station and then the docking can be made. Another thing that is already included in mods is a shroud. This would be good for both Space-stations and satellites because this would mean that the rocket would be more streamlined. (Observe Space-station image again) The Space-station has been mainly designed around look and practicality (Engine nacelles and SAS, RCS fuel respectively) You may of noticed the wing extension parts on the sides of the space station. Well these are supposed to be solar panels, the purpose being to demonstrate how it would affect the space station. If solar panels were to be implemented into the game, then there could be lights to go with them, research items that could be powered by electricity..... the list goes on. The affects of implementing Docking are HUGE. Key Points, Parts and Things that would need to take place for space stations to be successful: Space-station parts: Central module, (A part that the other parts would attach to) Docking, Solar Panels, IVA, (for moving around inside the space station + windows for same purpose) Kerman-Friendly Modules (small and large sizes) and Lights (perhaps) Docking parts: Docking for small modules and large modules,Docking for satellites (perhaps ones created by player, perhaps one created by yourselves) and Docking for Ships (Maybe if it is possible, then two spacecraft could be used in one design (e.g Mk 1 Command Pod attached to larger Mk 2 Command pod so that when landing on surfaces the Mk 1 is used) Satellite Parts: Research parts, ( I used SAS modules for demonstration purposes) Solar panels and Dock-able and detachable probes (for launching/landing/collecting probes) Friendly ideas for those who aren't amazing at the game: Programming Computer: Like MechJeb, but in the vanilla game Docking help Design Templates: Space stations, Satellites etc I hope that this will shed some light - from a Gamer's POV - on what people would like for future updates. Many thanks for reading this From ____ (AKA Cosmos Rhinvos) (OOC: note how I called myself this) (OOC: Images aren't there) PS: Attachment 30, 51, 51 and 49 are images of planets that can be seen from kerbal orbit (just for you :3) For some, You will have to go to pixel sizes to pick them out. Attachment 68 is one of my satellite designs. These are: 51 = Eve 52 = Minmus 49 = Mun 30 = Jool (unbelievably)
  15. I like this, it reminds me of the tele-glitch style planets
  16. I lied @_@ I hadn't finished, I just rushed it so here's the real deal
  17. What I've got on the Minmus Mining Rover - that's all I'll do for today, will tackle it tomorrow if I can
  18. Julius Moves Into Position Milmon: Begin Burn Nelrim: Woo, feel that go! Milmon: Burn complete, we're on our way Control Control: Roger that *** Milmon: Approaching Orbital destination, burn will commence shortly - Nelrim! Stop Eating snacks you animal! Nelrim: Muffled denial Milmon: Its beautiful - so close, I want to reach out and touch it. Mesmerizing Milmon: Commencing Burn! Milmon: Burn complete, separating orbital stage - activate remote guidance. Its all yours Control Control: We've got it from here. You fellas set up the final details and then get a good rest - surgeon says you need it after this long period of concentration. Control Out. Stay Tuned for more activity soon!
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