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Everything posted by sacafe

  1. Why has nobody put the kerbals in to Source film maker? seems like we could get some rather hilarious vids.
  2. Place a mobile sat repair and salvage old but workible parts, then I'm speculating, repair the Hubble or salvage its array. There was an story about creating zombie satellites a few weeks ago as apposed to launching new ones
  3. So I was derping around with the stock rover and with the help of Jeb I invented this monstrosity.
  4. Currently the only repairs that I am aware of are possible are thru the KAS mod. But it only reaches to EVA part replacing and using cables to recover floating debris.
  5. Thanks, I am not to steady on ksp modding or part config edits so any advice is good.
  6. I know I am going to get shot for this but is there any way to integrate mechjeb into career mode?
  7. Sorry, I must have misread, the original thought would to be have it like the KSC2 but just a larger clusters just to fill an empty kerbin. However, I did not see any thing saying that the space center could be seen from space via its lights.
  8. What if you pair KSP on iOS, android ect. as mission planner/blueprint/multitool and just upload via wifi to a paired computer and go from there?
  9. I would suggest that a HUD be overlay-ed so you don't get disoriented.
  10. So I was thinking, if we are to have a space program, would it not be cool to look down on the surface of the planet and see it lit up by kerbal civilization? Not to mention it would be kinda cool to a city highway as a landing strip.
  11. So using B9 aerospace and a few stock parts I managed to scrape it into existence. Its slightly unwieldy but it works.
  12. Is the 2.0.8 docking mechanics compatible with the large flat docking clamp? I have had no luck targeting the docking port.
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