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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Probably done a billion times, but I still found it beautiful: Kerbin Rise
  2. It is. I'd be all for it. Also, consider WHY those three kerbals are special: Because for a long time they were all we had. For a long time we could blow Jeb to pieces and he'd be back five minutes later as happy as can be. That's no longer true: Jeb is often near the top of my list of Kerbals killed now, and he doesn't come back - hard to build an attachment then. Honestly, I strongly disagree with the sentiment the Kerbals aren't trying for safety. I don't think they're very good at it, but that doesn't mean the effort isn't there. It's hard to imagine a society that would cheerfully fling its Kerbals into space without some sort of idea of what to expect - or at least a society that isn't fundamentally disturbed. Perhaps one that flings its condemned criminals around. "Figure out how to fly this thing and you can go free, otherwise mwahahahaha" While this is a game, it's a game that's giving us a taste of space flight and the challenges you encounter. Of course it isn't a NASA simulator or meant to be all inclusive, but I think we can at least get the fundamental order of events right. Plus, once you figure out that probes benefit from electricity and a battery, I find them easier than manned missions - and seeing the Stayputnik deploy its solar panels from a stable orbit for the first time is pretty cool, especially if you remembered to give it three comm antennas like Sputnik. I'd be all for shirt sleeved Kerbals watching the probes go up, or even a spaceplane tutorial with Jeb and a 'stock' X-15
  3. Buck Rogers in the 25th Century
  4. Well, I succeeded. Gonna lose a few points for grace though. The second and third stages are probably pretty standard for 'early' flights. Since this was my first attempt I chose not to risk any Kerbins. The probe therefore has a generator, panel, and a battery for energy, and I thought I'd be clever and give it an ion engine just in case. In space it has a basic liquid engine and two tanks. I still have a tendency to overpower my first stage, which consisted of seven Rockomax tanks with liquid sail engines, then just to prove I could, six solid booster rockets which probably accomplished nothing. All that power made the top of my rocket swing about like a top. I'm a little surprised it didn't snap off. So I use the maneuver tool to figure out how to arrange an encounter with the Mun, but I decide it's too far out to really count, so I add a second maneuver. This is the result. Close enough. Now, let's hope there's enough fuel in those tanks so I can actually land on the return. 966 km is a bit of ground to make up.
  5. I've been playing with the demo for about a month now, and finally bought in through Steam on Friday night. To be honest, I hesitated because I didn't think I'd have fun with this - and I've had some awe inspiring crashes. I only made it into orbit on the demo thanks to scouting around Youtube, and am still working on it in the latest version. Well, I was wrong: There's definitely something to be said for getting an orbit just right, or getting your crew down safely anyway when you realize you forgot the parachute and/or decoupler. When I was quite a bit smaller I had dreams of becoming an astronaut. Thanks for building a game that gives those dreams something to do.
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