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Posts posted by mosolov

  1. Talking of drifting, got me thinking of the piece: The Drifter. A guitar duette with Stefan Grossman & John Renbourn. Very relaxing. Not that i can find a good example of this on youtube or the like.. Classical music works good on Kerbal, in my opinion that is. A bit of futurism and Soviet AvantGarde works for me (not easy listening stuff per se).

    Arthur Lourié - Intermezzo (1928) (Soviet AvantGarde)


  2. Comic Sans is especially nice with the Microsoft Word's 'word art' tool. Also looks very futuristic with -or on your ksp screenshots, very dynamic. 'Don't you think'? :cool:


  3. Hello Taverius,

    I just updated to V1.3.3, removed the old files first etc.

    But now my game stops loading at start up, this happens when it tries to load the advancedCanard.

    Any idea why this happens?


    I discovered that there are no .mu and .mbm files in that folder, so it was unwise to remove the folders of the standard normal size parts (which are in te 'part' directory of your mod).

    So now i have to re-install the game. :sealed:

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