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Everything posted by ThatNewGuy101

  1. Olá,eu também sou português e também gosto de astronomia e do oculto
  2. Buy me a shotgun too,im sick of you americans:mad:
  3. Do you even know what Hyperedit is dumbass,its a plugin that INTANTLY puts you in orbit.
  4. I use Hyper edit,and it´s up to YOU to build a engine
  5. My first uploaded ship,pretty basic:D Have no ideia what to do Download link:http://www./?so1j3ve9zu9qk ... ... ... ... ... POTATO:D PS:I use Hyper edit to instantly go to orbit,so stop the post like:"That ship isn't going anywhere without an engine! Also, you're gonna need more than that tank to put it in orbit." or "Where the engines are? And also, one orange fuel tank can't get that thing in space. At plain sight you can see that that thing is really unstable and that it will explode even before turning on the engines." http://www./?a2lfaaeqeyeza7n
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