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Everything posted by Sylith

  1. After several crashes and difficulties with the jumps, Bill managed the track and raised the bar a little bit I love this mod, great work.
  2. Bill, Bob and Jebediah meet at Club Minmas, waiting for the probe waiter with the Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters
  3. Greetings, Kerbanauts. Can't write....must design space station, SStO, Mun Lander, probes, add struts, moar struts...have to lift off rescue mission...oh, this game...it's not a game...it is a lifestyle ... Since January, when I stumble across a YouTube-Video of KSP, I'm addicted to this little piece of software. Great work, Squad! And I love to read the forums. I have seldom seen such an amazing community. I love the creative and pleasant mood here and admire the Mod-makers for their work at such a high level. I'm from Germany, so please don't rate my English. And now... I have to design a rover...
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