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  1. Thanks so much everyone! Man, this community is great :-)
  2. Thanks so much! So what does the 'control from here' do?
  3. Hey all. I've tried to find the answer to this, the closest thing I found was the wiki: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Tutorial:_Apollo_11 I'm trying to do the Mun Orbit scenario. I start out by moving two of my Kerbals to the lander can. I then right click the clamp-o-tron docking port (on the lander can side) and click "control from here" and then "decouple node". However, every time I do that the control transfers to the command pod. First of all, am I doing the undocking wrong? I want to undock and control the lander for descent. I know in the Station One scenario, there is a specific part where I can select 'undock' instead of 'decouple'. Is there a part like that on the lander can that I'm missing? Second of all, is there a way to switch control between ships after undocking? Thanks!
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