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  • About me
    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Visit the Typing Test and try! My best
  2. Anyone need some aid? .My nation is currently doing pretty well
  3. How to keep quality of life from dropping?
  4. Here's mine http://bloc.name/bloc/stats.php?id=2846
  5. You need to buy oil to sustain your growth. You can buy it in Economic Policy. And how do I join your alliance?
  6. Just remove the "clientXX" and it will work
  7. Try returning to the space center, then back to the ship
  8. Did you installed the Lazor System mod?
  9. Granted. As soon as you land, an empty SRB hits your head (SPLAT!) I wish for a time machine
  10. Challenge Completed Total challenges completed: 28 Total kerbals lost: 0 Total lost vehicles: 0 Polar Orbit TV Probe Equator TV probe Next Challenge: The scientists at KSC have always wanted to know about the composition of Munar soil, so you'll need to build an impactor and impact the Mun at the highest speed possible https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B56FY5nZCiArU3NhYXNGNnJQc3c&usp=sharing
  11. From C7's devblog We will also have some filtering options for Tracking Station as well
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