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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. the massive explosions scattering debris across the universe sounds like fun
  2. Sounds very interesting and fun but i do not yet have the skills to compete
  3. i have done that with the Kraken attack on my space station i had docked a set of mainsail tanks and using a experimental space tug moving in the next section boom my tug and the docking port is about the only parts not with a new separate orbit i was so shocked i totaly forgot to screen cap then it was all so pretty i manged to get the kerbals from the station to a stable orbit with a bit of left over rcs fuel and back packs then re named life boat 1 i will go up and save them sooner or later
  4. Nice very nice as soon a i looked at the pictures i thought ah "Arduino" that would be perfect for that and after reading your post yep are you willing to post your sketch or at least parts of it i would love to see how you impmented it just a learner with Arduino myself just about have my first 2 wheel robot car with sonar ready to go
  5. learning is the fun part right now i have only flown 5 missions or so the first 3 not so good but with my last flight i got a nice sub orbital flight and landed on a mountain well rolled down a mountain but having a fun time with the limitations i now have the decoupler but the main issue is with power so i am aiming for the batt pack next it now makes you work to get things so you tend to learn more and have more fun so far only One brave kerbal has died for Science !!!!!!
  6. the Mark 2 more wheels more things to go bang still moves and works wet
  7. the mark one nuke car all the weels and the cabin fell off not so good SO on with the mark 2
  8. sorry did not get the images to work
  9. i was thinking of a Nuke sub or boat
  10. i have been mucking around with the free for a while but decided to buy the game on my birthday well a week after when the .20 was released
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