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    Spacecraft Engineer
  1. it was. work around detailed here. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/121313-Memory-Waste-Problem
  2. I'm having this exact same problem. Happens mostly when going to or from the flight scene. Almost always when reverting to hangar or recovering a flight after a revert to pad/runway. I've gone through and tested it with and with out my mods to no pay out. Any work around would be nice.
  3. IIRC, and this was at least a year and a half ago or more, Harv said in a Blog post he envisioned the end of the game being kicking back and watching your space empire run itself which in turn implies your kerbals being able to fly, drive, and crash all by them selves. Not sure if that is still the plan but that frame work could play wonders in the area of npc combat vehicles and bases. But even more so it implies with this mod and territory control, KSP could be the ultimate 4x type RTS multiplayer experience. Hopefully with more cooperative science and industry but there has to be a way to blow things up beyond kinetic kill vehicles.
  4. Every one keep saying features should be added but with an on/off switch.... why? Mods are by their very nature exactly this.
  5. SO infinity isn't dead? This is AWESOME NEWS! Been following this since 07, painfully I might add.
  6. So glad to see others like the idea. Territory control doesn't have to be fancy but it can open up a whole new aspect of the multiplayer game. Add in KAS, Interstellar, multiple systems, plus many of the other mods people enjoy and it becomes the space sim multiplayer game I have been thinking of since first being exposed to eve. I hope to run a large server one day using a compilation of these mods. Think of the awesome cooperative science or industry to be had, or glorious interstellar warfare.
  7. Sorry if this has been brought up already. Not a lot of time to read the whole thread. But ID have you thought about adding territory control in the form of "map painting" via the kethane grid?
  8. I like this idea. Though it seems no one can really agree on the pilots role, or span of ability. Clearly no skill of any role should effect ship stats of any kind though boosts in related science fields and repairing certain parts as an engineer sounds reasonable. I believe a long time ago Harv mentioned end game being a time where you look back at your space empire and watch it go on it's own. This implies Kerbals flying with out your help and thus where the piloting skill come into play. A Kerbal pilot could at the very least act as a sort of mechjeb but with varying degrees of maneuver accuracy based on skill level. At most you can give it a set of directives such as launch into LKO, then make a Munar transfer and circularize at x alt, then proceed to meet up with a station and dock. Hopefully this pilot skill can be a way for things to happen with out your direct intervention so your entire space agency isn't sitting in vast immobility. Secondly, Kerbals should not be jammed into classes. There is no need for extra clarification other than the various skills that will no doubt be a part of this concept, and ship stations, which I will explain below. Ship stations are already in the game, we can put what kerbals we want in what ever seat we want. But this could use a little more defining. It would prove useful to rename seats on a per craft basis, to give more defenition on what station is meant for what. This way you can have a medical Kerbal hang out in the hitchhiker storage bin but the seat he occupies will be labled as "doctors office" or what ever. Clearly labeling that kerman as a doctor so that when the vessel is viewed from the tracker it will show who is assigned as what. Combine this with the RastarPropMonitor mod for custom IVA stations and we have a whole new level of vessel customization. Think IVA screen readouts of science sensors only on certain seats where the scientists can see. Navigation data in front of the pilots. Fuel, and electricity levels, and overheat/damage warnings for the engineers. I could go on but that would stray from the Kerbals and skills point of this post. Of course Red, Gold, and Blue uniformes wouldn't hurt either.
  9. Wow dude this is exactly what I had in mind when I think of the first step to "improved IVA" from the features list. You made the monitors happen, all that is left is wandering around inside your ship, and changing ships by going through the air lock. You sir have my props! Bravo!
  10. Why would any one pay a space agency to hold the fast forward button on the VCR? I don't think time warping for free cash would be a game play problem in the end, and if it was it would just be a huge gameplay oversight I don't think even the most amateur game dev would make. However here we are discussing it like it could actually happen.
  11. Did a quick search about it and found nothing so here is this thread. Calling home about science give a discount on the return and rightly so. Not like returning a Mun rock the first, okay fourth try is all that hard. So what about other planets? It takes a considerable amount of engineering and tech to return safely with science so we can call it in for a discount, grinding the science down to nothing before a live sample is studied in person. would a science lab meant for stations and bases be a good idea to mitigate that reduced science output? It has to be manned of course. The more the better? Perhaps an IVA crew station to do science on? Just looking ahead on the improved IVA concept. There are mods that deal with tech/science/experiments that deal with this. However I assume squad is not done doing what ever they have in store for stock science. So go forth and discuss. Unless this has already been talked about. what ever.
  12. Is there any thing stopping me from using this to build ships in orbit? As in, will this pad work if I hook it to a station?
  13. Woah you necroed my thread. You also have my full support in your efforts there. Back when I posted this it was all about ideas of how MP might work out but back then we didn't know as much as we do now about the resource system and astronaut complex, and the hint hint wink winks about Kerbals being able to take on tasks them selves. My ideas and hopes aside, I believe the end product of this game would be pretty close if not better than what ever it is I was talking about if there were a multiplayer side to this, third party or otherwise. Is there a no bump feature? I feel sort of bad keeping this on the front page for now as I think crafting a multiplayer any thing would be sort of a useless effort until the game is closer to completion. Regardless hats off to you on this. If I had the time to learn my self I would help but I can offer my services as a tester down the road.
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