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Pierce Hammer

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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. I've been considering doing something like this. I did recently make a kerbal model, though it would need tweaked a bit to make it 3d print ready. Mainly though, I don't want to rip off squad. That wasn't the point of making the model. I would love to have an affordable 3d print though.
  2. And now that I've had time to test it, that's exactly what I needed. Thank you very much.
  3. Oh I see. I didn't realize it was a part of the mod. I'll get it updated. Thank you.
  4. Ah. I assumed render distance and physics sphere were the same thing. If anyone does know how to reduce the physics sphere without getting rid of romfarers (awesome) mods, please let me know.
  5. I believe one of mods I've installed may have increased the games render distance. This is causing me some physics and memory issues, but I'd rather not have to uninstall any mods. Is there a way for me to manually reduce the render distance for objects?
  6. I'm trying to find a way to loop animations without needing custom plugins. I'm using blender/unity to create models. Currently the animation is just for looks, so any method that would get a looping animation should be fine. Does anybody have information on this?
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