Hey everybody! First post, been playing for a week now, totally addicted, projected school performance deteriorating rapidly. I present to you the W-Wing, a revolutionary space plane designed by the honored Kerbal principle of "aesthetics first". As a result of repeated ski-fi (sic) movie viewings our underpaid and opressed engineers came up with the K3-C SSTO. After several tragic incidents related to such disputed concepts as "mass" and "center", the W-Wing was optimized to deliver acceptable performance while maintaining the crucial visual "oomph" requested by prominent Kerbal politicians. Second seat incorporated for navigator or wealthy space tourist. Center of mass moves backward slightly during jet fuel consumption providing pitch control at higher altitude ascent, while full depletion of rocket fuel returns CoM forward for stability during landing glide. Officials refuse to admit this was accidental. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/11536263/Stock%20K3-C%20SSTO%20%22W-Wing%22.craft Test drive with basic ascent instructions Control groups: 1 for jets 2 for rockets 3 for center jet cutoff 4 for lateral jets and intakes off 7-10 toggles each pair of intakes It flies perfectly fine without mechjeb if that's your cup of tea. What do you think?