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Everything posted by Austrian

  1. I'm listening to old stuff today a little bit black sabbath http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOXPSSZkFD0
  2. 1. Saturn 2. Ptolemy 3. Greek language 4. Greece 5. Tsatziki 6. Cucumbers also six but a other way 1. Saturn 2. Greek mythology 3. Greece 4. Tsatziki 5. Cucumbers
  3. Granted. At the first bite you broke three of your teeths I wish that I become rich and powerfull.
  4. Hello everyone, I've seen that one of my favorite Forum-Games doesn't have arrived to the Kerbal-Forum jet. It's very simple, I post two titels of wikipedia-articels. You have to find the shortes way from articel 1 to articel 2, just using the links of the articels. you have to post your "jumps" using links, the one with the shortest way (time is 24h after release) have to post the next two articels. for example: from Moon to Bicycle 1. Moon 2. Earth 3. humans 4. Competition 5. Sport 6. Doping in sport 7. Tour de France 8. Bicycle racing 9. Bicycle Please use the english Wikipedia, so that everyone could go the same way! Well, I've used 9 Steps, could someone be faster? 24h left for the competition...
  5. Hello KSP-Team and Hello Users, I'm new here and new to the game. I'm trying the Demo since yesterday and well... it's amazing! I love this game and I'm going to purchase the full version pretty soon. Good work guys, I love it and I'm going to recommend it as often as possible. br Austrian
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