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Everything posted by mejillonius

  1. it was january 2012, i saw an article on a spanish blog, it briefly described KSP as a build a silly rocket, fail at trying to control it and make it explode. ironically that was the game about at that time, no plugins, no map, no mun nothing but you and several tons of almost explosives under your seat, i can remember that squad asked for 5$ for the game, i paid 7, its not much, but if i could paid more i would, the game deserved it, and watching it grow and grow, improving at every update, makes me feel nostalgic.
  2. hi, after a big hiatus on my KSP experience i'm retaking the game, i want to launch an apollo style mission, a lander with a rover, but i cant figure out how to launch a decent rover, (similar to the one on the trailer and a lander all in one, if i put it on the top, ussually breaks or gets stuck when i deattach it, on the side, it makes the lander off banace and unstable, and under the lander are the engines. so i'm seeking for examples or adice, thanks!!! PS: for the mods, i vas validates before the forum apocalipse, so if you want to activate it directly it would be appreciated, but no problem on having to post 5 moderated posts
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