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Everything posted by neoblacksmith

  1. Awesome, that's the way I understood it so far. So it shouldn't matter how fast I'm going, as long as I keep the apogee high enough?
  2. So, I am currently doing several manned missions to Duna, and I have FINALLY begun to understand how to manipulate my encounters to be as clean as possible. But I want to start saving fuel and understand aerobraking better... Do you have to be going a certain speed for it to work? Any explanation would be appreciated.
  3. So, I've been wondering for a while now, is it possible for all the planets to align in a single line? If not whats the closest they can get?
  4. Well currently I have "contracted" Gus Turbo's Sandpiper Lander, along with a visual re-creation of his Whippoorwill CSM. And attached that to a replica of Temstar's Zenith Series rocket to create the Relentless Class Rocket. In the past three weeks I've learned more about Rocket Construction than ever before. Also still constructing a similar Apollo-Style rocket that is more compact than long... Currently awaiting a window to transfer Duna Relent for its first Manned/Rescue Mission, poor guy has been stuck there for 4 years.
  5. Just wanted to introduce myself, I've been around for almost a year now, and never really posted. Love everything about the game, took me quite a while to get the hang of it, but today I completed the Career Mode Tech Tree without any Mods, so go me for that...
  6. awesome! i gotta get better so i can build things like this
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