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    Rocketry Enthusiast
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    Marche, Italy

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  1. From the 1.10 looks like fuel lines stops working as expected. The tank on the left, should still full, while they booth get empty at the same time.
  2. Released Updated the "Diary" (the box under the gender) that now show the total of Flight/Orbits/Land, more will come.
  3. - Added a tool bar to speed up open/backup/save and also added "Useful Infos" that will gives some information about Kerbals and parameters.
  4. Released - Now you can edit multiple Kerbals without saving every time, Kerbals can be deleted (still remain some reference on missions but will be fixed in the future) re-enabled Save option ('cause you can edit multiple Kerbals per time) and also a Backup method for save your save game file, log get hidden on start but you can show it back if you swish.
  5. Released, I've removed some saves functions 'cause I'm not 100% on what happen down there, but editing Kebal one per time, is rocksolid! SO, edit, and click on Save.
  6. I hope so Indeed I was thinking about it, I will pack it and share it too ;-) Thanks all for the advice, this is my first "shared" application, so I'm a bit noob on this
  7. I'm working on an editor for Kerbal, to bring them back to life and make other changes without editing the persistent.sfs file Far from finished but it seems pretty stable stable. I've tested it just with career save game files. Feature: QuickRename you Kerbal with a click, you can choose Name, Surname or booth, and it will randomly spawn it for you. Resurrect your dead Kebals, it will act directly into persistent file, so there's no need to save, and it will remove all reference to the sad moment, so it will be just like he/she are never died. Delete (right mouse click on the treeview) will remove the Kerbal and all missions stuff from the persistent file. (your saved game). Backup your file (menu File\Save\Backup) 'cause ship-happens ;-) and Murphy's Law is waiting for us. I'm not a native English speaker, so if there are any errors please report them, Thank You If you want to try it MAKE A COPY OF YOUR FILE! You can download it form HERE You can download the source code from Here - Updated the "Diary" (the box under the gender) that now show the total of Flight/Orbits/Land, more will come. - Added a tool bar to speed up open/backup/save and also added "Useful Infos" that will gives some information about Kerbals and parameters. Fixed and optimized the code removed some bloat use of threads (that was useless). Also optimized parameters saved on you persistent file. For example, Brave and Dumb now will use just 1 decimals instead of 9. - Now you can edit multiple Kerbals without saving every time, Kerbals can be deleted (still remain some reference on missions but will be fixed in the future) re-enabled Save option ('cause you can edit multiple Kerbals per time) and also a Backup method for save your save game file, log get hidden on start but you can show it back if you swish. KNOW BUG: "brave" didn't show te value when the value in the persistent have more than 9 decimals. - Changed the UI, added QuickRename system to rename your Kerbals, removed some voices under files 'cause there are bugs to be fixed. - Fixed code, added a specific voice under About for the licence. - Fixed bug: Won't resurrect "Missing" Kerbals ==== LICENCE ====================================================================================== Basically this software is under GLP, it's opensource free for everyone, which can modify it, edit it and do what they wish. Just, in about, mention me
  8. @sarbian Indeed I'm making an external application Thanks all anyway.
  9. Hello, I try to make an utility to rename kerbals, revive 'em and so on... I would like to open saves folder... and so on, but I can't find in windows registry any reference to the installation path. Can you please give me some advice?
  10. I was pretty sure that by improoving the Astronaut barracks I would obtain a sort of "in memory wall"... For every fallen on a mission there should be a commemorative plaque, or a picture, with the mission detail ex.: "crashed on moon", "failed to land with his plane on Kerbal", "lost in spaaace" Indeed nothing of that, and even a mod I've found Fingers crossed for KSP2 maybe?
  11. Nothing... just as title maximize when in window mode or double click on resolution to enter a custom resolution. PLEEEEEEASE
  12. I've made a search but found nothing so I'll ask: Refreshing or not, CKAN still show SCANsat 18.14, and even if I've installed the 20.0 by hand, it continue in showing the wrong version. I've also edited the SCANsat.version on this way: "KSP_VERSION":{ "MAJOR":1, "MINOR":9, "PATCH":1 by adding the comma (,) after the 9 'cause it was missing... Any fix that I can do about it?
  13. nice trick for Mun and Minmus, other planets will not be a problem, I guess/hope Problem is that at the moment in my career I didn't have maneuver node
  14. You're right, but CKAN won't install it and 'cause of that utility I've become lazy
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