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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Learning from mistakes is a great teacher, but KSP is one of the rare games that also inspired me to do a good bit of research. Basic orbital mechanics translate pretty well to the actual game. If anyone was keeping tabs of my browsing history around that time, I'm sure they were thoroughly confused.
  2. This is something I've dealt with before, it affects all sounds for me and it gets worse with larger ships. I also noticed that the engine exhaust sort of skips when the sound pops, almost always in sync with the mission timer flashing yellow or red. I can't find the original thread discussing it, but it seems that it only affects a small number of people. I updated my sound card driver and it got a lot better, so you might want to try that first. Some other people mentioned that closing other heavy programs that use the sound card fixed it for them, things like chat or recording software. I've done my best to track it down, but I'm still not sure what causes it. If anyone has more insight to the problem, I'd love to hear it.
  3. Welcome! There are all sorts of little tricks and tips you'll learn about from the other players here. Be sure to take some screenshots along the way! We love those here
  4. The mun and the sun are on the same relative plane, so anytime they line up you'll see an eclipse. With real life eclipses they need to line up at the exact time their orbital inclinations cross as well, so it's much more rare. Space is cool!
  5. Ah, you know I still haven't tried the loader, I'll have to check it out!
  6. I've done something like this before. To get them all the same, I just built a rocket that could deliver a module and only left the part that acted as the base. I would then just build the rest of each individual module on top of that base, but the base would always be the same. For my project it was the flat 3m fuel tank with four landing gear and two docking ports on it. The rest of each module was custom built on top of that platform.
  7. I do my best to make sure it will deorbit when I stage. Sometimes it takes planning, sometimes it just takes more sepatrons, but I like the added challenge. If I ever need to leave something up there, I like to send a separate mission just to go up and bring it back down. I know it'd be way easier to delete it by 'ending flight' or turning down the persistent debris number, but since the game doesn't have a career mode yet, I like having an excuse to design a special craft for a specific mission.
  8. I felt the same way about SSTOs. It can be a huge challenge! I've found that it's less about what you fly and more about how you fly it. You should post some pictures of your first successful design!
  9. Each command pod has a different level of torque it can apply. For example controlling a large, heavy rocket with a tiny probe core can make turning even a few degrees a chore. If you use RCS to assist turning, the placement of your thrusters can make all the difference. I always try to put port linear thrusters as far away from the center of mass as possible, usually with four symmetry. If that still isn't enough, I've had some success using pairs of small radial liquid engines instead of port linear thrusters and controlling them with action groups, but it can be overkill even with large heavy cruisers. Another cool tip is to use the physical time warp. The regular time warp puts the craft on rails, but if you hold alt while advancing time warp you can still apply torque and use engines. It can only go up to 4x speed, but for large craft or space stations, it can help a bunch.
  10. Me too! I love seeing people post albums of their missions, It's a great community!
  11. You and me both friend! PS, I see what you did there with your username. I like it!
  12. Very nice! Rescue missions are by far my favorite. Jebediah is a very patient guy.
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