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Everything posted by FluxCap

  1. Also, it would be nice if future tech was not grayed out and could be clicked on to plan a progression toward, e.g., nuclear engines.
  2. I finally am able to generate a good 600 points by visiting a planet and returning with samples and reports (transmitting a few before the returns diminish), so far the mun, minmus, and duna, and unlocked most items to nuclear engines. I ran out of fuel coming back from Duna actually, so, all was lost except what I could transmit back. I was trying to bring back the larger values, like the soil sample and EVA reports, through a recovery. Cut my losses by transmitting them instead. But, when I go back and take another soil sample, the value will be lower. So, it seems like that should be processed for value at the facility on Kerbin. Also, this is why it seems to me (and others) that science missions should be offered. When someone brings back a Duna soil sample, it is worth 250 points or whatever, less for Mun, even less for Minmus. When the vessel is recovered with the item, then the points are rewarded. That is for large quest type missions such as landings, docking, orbiting, soil samples, EVA reports. This generates the most points, as now, but points are calculated and given during recovery and when missions are complete. Multiple missions can be completed during a single launch and recovery. Other science can be generated through diminishing returns such as repeating the quest type missions, and performing science on space stations and planet bases. This way, a few points can be generated in case 90 points are needed and only 88 are "in the bank." Also, points should accumulate and not reset from one launch, or mission, to the next. Also thought that keeping the data/sample is independent of transmitting. So, someone can land on Duna, grab a sample to bring home, but then still transmit other findings with the diminished returns. If the craft and sample are lost, usually when the craft runs out of fuel on the return, then the player still has those small amount of points. But, the mission can be repeated then to bring back the sample and still retrieve the hundreds of points.
  3. This is just my second day to play with science, so bear with me... I was expecting science points to accumulate from one mission to another. I need to get 90 science points, but with my current craft can generate 50. So, was hoping to do two of the same type of missions to get 100, but it seems to reset itself when I recover the craft. E.g., I had 45 points, went into LKO to do some experiments and generated 50 points, and when I come back I only have those 50 points to spend. I am going to place more science parts on the craft to collect more points to bring back, but was curious if this is the design and intention.
  4. This is just my second day to play with science, so bear with me... I was expecting science points to accumulate from one mission to another. I need to get 90 science points, but with my current craft can generate 50. So, was hoping to do two of the same type of missions to get 100, but it seems to reset itself when I recover the craft. E.g., I had 45 points, went into LKO to do some experiments and generated 50 points, and when I come back I only have those 50 points to spend. I am going to place more science parts on the craft to collect more points to bring back, but was curious if this is the design and intention.
  5. Kudos to this! I've been doing this with panels, and it really adds to the part #.
  6. Ascent procedure for LTA Lifter Mk3 (using Mechjeb): Initial setup: SURF @ 90 HDG, 90 PIT. Use RCS at willl to stabilize launch. 75% buoy, 50% throttle. Fire jets using space bar. Space bar again to release clamps. 2000m: 85% buoy, 3000m: 100% buoy. Between 5k and 6500m: increase throttle to maintain positive vertical speed. Example: 5000m: 65% throttle. 5500: 70% throttle. 6K: 80% throttle. 6500: 97% throttle. Engage RCS. Depending on how efficient the climb is, it should be between 8600m - 11K when the jet fuel runs out and then to drop the balloons, set HDG to 80 deg, and let the craft move slightly away from the drifting balloons, and pitching down toward the 80 degree target. Space bar to drop the "jet pack" and engage aerospikes/orange tank lifting section. Between 17K - 27K the next stage is engaged, and ascent autopilot (or manual gravity turn). That should take the craft, at least, to an 85K orbit. I think tweaking some fuel tanks and such can reach my goal of 100k. I wanted a reusable craft that didn't leave (much) debris, but so far this is the closest I have reached.
  7. Mk3 of "LTA Lifter": Craft file: http://db.tt/3mt3Ltnt Delivered cargo: 566 monop, 1440 liq. fuel, 1760 oxidizer (567 monop, 1700 liq. fuel, 2078 oxi w/attached leftover stage) 85K circular orbit obtained. 450 liquid fuel spent using jets and balloons to climb to 11K altitude. 1500 monop, 8010 liquid fuel, and 9240 oxidizer for all stages. It barely meets the needs of some personal requirements I have...but, was so happy to finally get something working. Screens:
  8. This is Mk2, and just started it... Anyway, I based it on some things found here: http://www.jpaerospace.com/atohandout.pdf Mk2:
  9. I've been trying this with a base of blimps with jets and nuclear rockets that forms a ring around a full orange tank and a couple of large rcs tanks, along with a second stage with rockets: trying to experiment getting cargo to orbit using airships the most efficiently. I've been running into a lot of issues, but so far the above is the most successful design. I think the blimp base is fairly solid, but the second/cargo needs work and tweaking. Using jets to aid the balloons seem effective. Going 90 deg pitch until ditching the balloons I think is the way to go... I'm also testing "pumpkin seed" type designs, but they are rather funny looking at the moment. Quite embarrasing to share, even more so then my spammed balloon ring below. Both sections have pods, so the idea is to let the blimp base float there while taking the second rocket stage to orbit, then float it back down. The pumpkin seed experiment didn't ditch the airship elements, and yes, had major issues with drag. Thing is, keeping them would help save fuel landing. You'd just have to do a de-orbit burn and then float along, using jets to guide it into KSP... Some screens of the blimp circle of fire:
  10. I could use some help... I am in the midst of making a youtube episode to compare the efficiency of delivering cargo to a 100km orbit to dock with a station between rockets, spaceplanes, and airships. I have the rockets and spaceplanes covered, but for some reason I am having issues with making a good craft myself it seems... Hoping perhaps someone has one to share that works with .20+.
  11. I've been working on a series of academic papers involving some thoughts on economics applied to space colonization (among other issues), and have been working to present some ideas from them using KSP. I summarized briefly what I've been doing in the papers in the first episode of the series, located here: http://youtu.be/pzi1CU5OerA I'm working on the second episode to address specific KSP elements I forgot to include in the video, mainly going over the craft used and base setups. I do need to give credit to user "pinolallo" for using the mod craft, "Wild Goose" located here: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/fatnose-fullwing-ssto-cargo/ I'm still working on still capturing video for episode three that will either be about water collecting, or orbital airships.
  12. Very much in agreement with Echostatic. The B9 mod comes close. I've constructed rooms with the panels for utility equipment, but so would like to build facilities to support months in space.
  13. I am in need of a persistent.sfs file to CSV/Excel/Access/OpenOffice exporter. I am looking into using KerbalData as in your link or https://github.com/ROFLCopter64bit/Konversion , but I am a major programming noob. Anyway, it would be perfect if this utility (that I use often), could just export its data to a CSV. I am trying to find a way to record statistics of vessels in the game (especially resources, collected resources of docked ships/stations, etc.)
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