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Everything posted by AntiVi

  1. Does that actually work? without cheating? I've tried and it didn't o.O
  2. Well i got into orbit with the tanks and engines attached to the rover itself and nothing else xD ok TWR? 1m tanks wich ones are those? don't want to land it vertically :S
  3. I have been having lots and lots of trouble getting this rover to the Mun :S Any help is appreciated! Screenshots!
  4. Here is my final design for the 3 rovers i made . Solar rover (little one with solar panels) Designed to link together with many solar panels to supply power to the power rover. Power rover (the one with all the batteries) Designed to store lots and lots of power! Moving rover (the big one) Designed to transport the solar rover, power rover and crew containers!
  5. Well i changed some stuff and i also added a power station to it :3 Here is the result:
  6. When my rovers dock 1 flies up without it even having engines! HELP! So i made this rover that i'll link together with many of them to make a solar plant on the Mun eventually.... But when i like my moving rover to the solar rover the solar rover flies up and i have no idea why! Screenshot: Thank you AntiVi
  7. Aaaah great I'll be looking forward to it! Hmmm Power station on the moon seems interesting I could build a solar plant Would be so awesome! Daang i should make a youtube series out of this!
  8. What are those adapters called on the back of the rover (facing towards the container) and also the one on top of the adapter on top of container? since i can't seem to find those. Thanks a lot by the way!
  9. Ok so i have been trying to make a Mun-Rover but i stumbled across some problems. First of all i'll tell you what i want the rover to do! Things the rover must be able to do: -Move hitchhiker containers around and dock onto them -Must run on electricity only! -Must be able to transfer 3 Kerbals (or 4) -Must be mobile -Must be able to get to the Mun -Preferably the pod of Design 5 since i like the view from the cockpit -Must have lights -Must have shielded docking ports and not normal once when on the moon -Solar power only The problems: -Can't get it to the moon -Can't transport enough kerbals -Can't move hitchhiker containers around -Can't attach it to a rocket -Flips over on kerbal -....... Help please! I'm going crazy here! Now i'll show you the designs i made but keep in mind that all my designs have failed! Design 1: Design 2: Design 3: Design 4: Design 5 (middle part gets removed when landed on the Mun): Thank you AntiVi
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