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Everything posted by KerbNaught3947

  1. So far ive tried reinstalling it but to no avail with and without other mods, ive tried verifying game (also hasnt worked) even a fresh install... im kinda at a loss here :\ the kopernicus log outputs the exact same error no matter what if i delete the system pack its apart of it just does it to the next one player.log https://www.dropbox.com/s/4f69s916384j6pu/Player.log?dl=0 kopernicus.log https://www.dropbox.com/s/z68yp20w9s55ecz/Kopernicus.log?dl=0
  2. is the lightest possible color i can make supposed to be darker than the original colors? Edit: i fixed it after reinstalling.
  3. Did the update go into cert because i see alot of people talking like it did but i cant find anything? Please help im confused
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