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Everything posted by Starnite_IV

  1. I would like to have the nav point adjustment field appear in a window. This is so you can be zoomed out on the main screen showing all the orbital bodies and projected path while still being able to adjust the burn position on the current orbit with out having to keep zooming in and out.
  2. What ever it was, I want to see more of him/her/it in the game. Maybe in a fish tank in the hitchhiker pod?
  3. These are amazing! I am so stealing them for ideas and general use!
  4. Personally, I just setup the rover controls to use the number pad. Which is different then the pitch/yaw controls. It's in the settings
  5. Here is my plane. Not actually going to spend the nearly 19 hours (68400) seconds I estimate it would take to fly around Kerbin. The plane does have unlimited range, top speed of about 56m/s and can be built with only(!) 16 parts. The plane pictured used 18, adding a parachute and gyro leveler thingy from firespitter.
  6. Here is my Uber Dorky flag, paying homage to several of my favorite things.
  7. Finally got this thing in orbit.... And Jebadiah showing off his awesome piloting skillz You can see part of his plane in the background...
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