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Everything posted by sirscott

  1. Yes , but it would add the whole new challenge of getting it off the pad and into the sea...
  2. Perhaps we pick a crater , and have one side stock , the other mod?
  3. ME GUSTA Seriously , I love the look of these parts. They will be perfect for moon-base building and other orbital infrastructure. Also , not nearly enougth packs have radial tanks and engines in them , ive been dying for some small LFEs and RCS tanks.
  4. That wouldnt seem very sensible to me. With all the best will in the world the variation of designs with stock parts is very limited , and effectively means that our moonbase would be a 'lander park' , as there aren\'t any modules that even look remotely habitable in the vanilla library.
  5. Ive tried out both of the suggestions mentioned here and had a lot of fun. You can attach a double ended parachute module and allow the screaming pilot to go into the ground head first at a safe speed , but it doesnt look great visually because all the nose-mounted chutes are still narrower than the underside of the capsule. Instead , my prefered option is to use the heavy probe engine and tank from the probe-kit. The slimmed down parts are actually lighter than a chute , and there is just enougth gas to slow the capsule down for a soft landing. Looks much better too.
  6. Kosmos team , you have worked wonders. Using the Angara I can now finally launch my 'Super Laika' class lander into a trans-munar trajectory! Also , I am planning to make a mobile moon-habitat based on soviet designs out of your station modules and the cart-wheel plugins. It iwll be awesome , ill post pictures when I go my round-the-mun RV trip =P
  7. This probably isnt that awesome to you pros , but it was really cool to me. So check this. Ive been building up to the construction of a moon base and the first few steps towards doing that in my program are the launching of some beacons. The first couple were launched and put into a low orbit with the intention of scouting out a suitable base site and practising my rather rusty landing skills. Beacons 1-6 were all destroyed (1 crashed into the moon in a botched landing , the other 5 blew up on the pad or failed to make orbit) , but Beacon 7 was successfully landed on a nice flat rise in a Mare. With the beacon intact and transmitting , the next objective was to practice the crucial precision landing skills by setting down an identical beacon next to it. Beacons 8 & 9 were mission aborts , the probes being part of an experiment aimed at refining the launcher. Beacon 10 achieved munar orbit , but as I had feared my efforts at working out the landing spot were hopeless , missing the aim point by more than 50 kilometres. Taking the lessons learnt Beacon 11 was launched and I set myself the goal of getting within 5 kilometres. The result was astonishing , and left me not a little smug. I managed to set the beacon down less than 10 metres from the first one , and without having to move the probe after landing. Amazing what time , patience and a big tank of RCS fuel can do duting landing
  8. Id name them after the Crew of the Red Dwarf Dave Lister Kryten Kat Arnold Rimmer Holly Starbug ;P
  9. Pardon my Ignorance , but is the Silsko Edition 2 Alpha weighted on the same scale as the vanilla parts? Is it a modification to the game like the first edition or is it in effect a parts pack like the Probe kit and BASE?
  10. Vat is dis? You vant glorious soviet engineering at low-low weight? Pah! Efficiency is for bourgeois capitalist pig-dogs and conservation of mass for reactionary traitors! In glorious Kosmos Space program you carry the added weight of the proletariat , for every launch carries the heart of our glorious motherland into the outer space!
  11. Neigh. may be the impetus I need :-[
  12. The solar panels are glitching out the start up screen. Any suggestions Winston?
  13. The VA is beautifull. It looks great sitting there on top of the rocket. Anyone got suggesitons for boosters? Ive tried a few combinations , but they all seem to struggle to reach sub-orbital altitudes. How heavy is the VA?
  14. Holy mother of god.... Its so....beautifull :\'( As an afectionado of kerbalised rockets , and having had several attempts to recreate this craft , I salute you. Do you plan to recreate any others?
  15. This is glorious! Ive been fidling with this pack for a few hours now , and Ill certainly say that the new lunar lander is a sweet piece of work. A challenge , but a good one =P
  16. Lets see... -Cyclone *check* -Klipper *check* -Dragon *Check* -Aurora *check* Its raining Pods for christmas :D
  17. You know , im getting really sick and tired of posters that constantly complain that mods aren\'t 'challenging enough'. It must be really discouraging to those actually putting effort into these things to be told that their hard work simply isnt up to their standard. If you dont like it , dont download it.
  18. I have taken to naming my various boosters after my Space heroes. Komorov was the first and perhaps the most touching , he flew the capsule despite knowing it was dangerously under-tested because he knew that if he refused they would ask his good friend Gagarin , who was too patriotic to turn it down. On a lighter note , I think its time to redesign this machine. Ill have a crack at building a new craft with the same mission profile (Orbital manoeuvres , easy flying characteristics) using some common mods. The new orbiter will be named 'Sergi Korolev'
  19. Thats really hot! My only suggestion would be to loose the Russian flag. Not that I have anything against the Russian space program , its just that it ruins my illusions of this being unconnected.
  20. Both designs rock out pretty hard. The X-37 has the advantage of more traditionally shaped fuselage , which would mean it looks more 'balanced' on top of the launcher , but on the other hand the Dream chaser has a clearly defined cockpit that I think would be an advantage here. On balance , I suspect the X-37 would be the easier to work on , but the chaser would look nicer.
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