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Everything posted by sirscott

  1. Yeah , I was worried it might be something like that. When they get the bugs ironed out will you release a 'compatible' version?. Even if not , the number of parts here is enough to play with on their own , and eye-candy value makes up for exclusivity.
  2. In a word: Stunning In several words , this is one of the most detailed and visually appealing packs ive seen. Ive had a few goes with it now in several configurations to recreate the different missions of the old Russian space agency. You should be immensely proud of your work , and I must admit , if this is what we get from the Soyuz and the lander , what on Kerbin is the Kliper going to look like =P Out of curiosity and nothing else , I too would like to know why the standard values weren\'t used. Arent they possible?
  3. The simplest way is to turn off the RCS. When I did my recent moon shot I only turned the ASAS on for take off and munar Landing. By switching off the RCS in between , the SAS module had full play.
  4. Today , I used a modified Intrepid launcher to make my first ever moon landing! Rather than using a 3rd stage with legs like I know others have (Frankly , I didn\'t trust my piloting skills) I instead built my own lander with larger , sturdier legs and an ASAS. To make life that little bit harder , I also chose to enclose the whole thing in a nose-fairing to make it look smarter. The end result was a rocket 3 times wider at the top than at the bottom 8) Anyway , the mission went like a dream. The SRB launched the second stage into a sub-orbital trajectory nicely , and the centaur had plenty enough fuel for an orbital burn , Trans munar insertion , and then a 'Braking manouvre' as I slowed the orbital velocity to zero and simply dropped to the surface , using the landers main engine to slow my fall. Return was uneventfull , and I landed in the ocean a few miniutes shy of 25 hours on the MET It was at that point Jeb remembered hed left the camera on the mun....
  5. My 5 cents is for semi-realistic , but I dont find the current versions too far off my idea of happiness
  6. Keep up the good work Tiberion. I support you in your endeavours.
  7. An update on my Orange tanks , after 20 mins or so of searching I found the original was still in my folder and deleted it. Its marked under a very different name , but getting shot of it sorted out the problem.
  8. Excellent work everyone! That 1.75 SRB is a really sweet ticket , with just the right combination of factors to lift a pod , Yamaster Service module and a 3rd stage into a sub-orbital trajectory. With some fins attached , it went up into a perfect orbit first time!. Anyway , one small bug to report. When I went to launch the craft the double length 1m tank went from the new textures to the old Orange ones.
  9. The more I use your capsules the more I love them. Excellent work!
  10. This is one of the most glorious things ive seen in a long time! Keep up the good work!
  11. Excellent work Nova! Its good to see vanilla parts from you again. Is there any chance youll release a dumbed down version of the parts in your mod?
  12. Nice work Slew! This was everything I wanted and more! Its functional and very pretty.
  13. If they are anything like the quality of the Kubble , then ill scrap my munar lander and rebuild from these parts. So shiny...
  14. I still want to attribute a rocket to 'Kerner Von Krawn'...
  15. Training Spacecraft v1.2 'KSC Vladimir Komarov' There is an old saying in my country that 'Practice makes perfect' and it is doubtful that this adage suits a field more so than it does space travel. Despite launching a considerable number of spacecraft into orbit I was finding that my trajectories were wobbly , my courses elliptic and my kerbals were getting bored of being marooned in space. I realised that what I needed was a nice simple craft that I could use to practice my techniques , something in which I could refine my skills and use to try out more complicated manoeuvres like Hoffman Transfers and precision touch-downs. The Awnser was a series of 'Training Spacecraft' in the same vein as the 'Mercury' & 'Vostok' missions ,a refined model of which I am proud to present to you today. I have named this model after Vladimir Komorov , the first man to go into space more than once and whom tragically was the first to die there when his badly designed Soyuz capsule crashed on re-entry in 1967 The Spacecraft on the Pad By KSP standards the TSC 1.2 is a fairly simple craft. It has only three stages and is designed to put the 3rd stage (Orbiter) into a optimum trajectory at 40,000 metres with a full tank of fuel remaining for manoeuvres and retro-burn. The first stage is a standard SRB supplemented by six 'minibooster' in a payload assist capacity. As they all fire for the same amount of time , this provides maximum thrust with minimum complexity. It should also be noted that the 1st stage is launched out of a 3m wide decoupler so as to overcome the 'Sticky pad' effect. 1st Stage shortly before burn-out at ~ 7500m The Second stage is my favourite liquid fuel combination , Novasilskos 1.75m tank & a small upper stage engine that I think is from one of SPs packs. Though low on power it is quite efficient and with a small payload like this it is quite sufficient to boost the Kerbanauts to orbital altitude and velocity , with roll-over taking place between 17500m & 240000m 2nd Stage at full throttle. 2nd Stage separation The orbiter is compact but very flexible. Sporting a lightweight fuel tank and engine as well as a quartet of bolt-on vernier pods , the orbiter module remains attached to the command pod throughout the remainder of the mission. If the second stage has been used effectively then only small amounts of fuel are neccesary to stabilise ones orbit leaving the remainder free for further manoeuvres. So far I have used this design to test my skills in a long duration missions (40 Orbits+!) , Hoffman transfers and several attempts to reach a geo-stationary position. 3rd Stage - Orbiter On the occasion that I took these pictures I performed a simple orbit-and-return mission. Pictures below. Passing into the dark side Obligatory 'Dawn' shot Retro burn over Kafrica Chute Deployed Awaiting Rescue I hope you've enjoyed my little trip around the world. If you want to fly the Komorov yourselves then make sure you've downloaded the big packs from Sunday Punch and Novasilsko before loading. I wish you all the best of luck!
  16. Supurb work on the Mini-station MN! Its nice to know that making well-thought out requests actually gets things done Now , The models look about the right size for the station we are thinking of and I can see you are moving on to textures. If I may be so bold I would suggest that you re-skin the habitation module at the same time to make it look less like a fuel tank , perhaps instead spreading the portholes longitudinally and giving it an all over sheet metal skin. The only thing I can see that might be missing is the solar panels , which are a bit tricky I know. Perhaps you could texture circular ones onto the outside of the Support module? A ring of panels around the thickest part of the station would look about right I think. @Warringer: It does look a bit like the MOL doesnt it? When I was doing the research for my thread in the request thread I came across a few early space station concepts on both sides of the Iron curtain. I eventually pumped for the early Salyut models because they were actually launched , but truth be told there are several possible prototypes. As well as the helpfully tube-like MOL , Big Gemini (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Gemini) was considered , as was the Russian TKS FB (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TKS_spacecraft). Both of these have advantages from our perspective in as much that they were intended to be launched with their crews already aboard and with the return capsules secured in a nose-first position. On the downside , they were not intended as long-duration space-stations in their own right , look less like a 'Space Station' , and were never launched in real life. Of course , this doesn't stop us from looking for inspiration here. ;D
  17. One of these days im going to have to film both versions. The Wheel-Jetison model is hillarious to watch because for a few moments the wings continue to sustain the empty tank , giving it a cartoonish 'Just ran off a cliff' look. The Wheel-less retro-braked approach is worth filming because otherwise I doubt you will believe its survivable 8) Oh , and the Me163 tended to jettison its landing gear immediately after launch , rather than during landings. This of course led to its own problems , as the highly unstable rocket fuel that the Germans used had a nasty tendency to detonate if they had even the smallest vapour left in the tank during the skids-only landing. Needless to say , they had a pretty high attrition rate.
  18. I just wanted to stop by and thank everyone involved with the production of this calculator. It has really improved the game for me , and the life expectancy of my kerbals!
  19. You know whats funnier? Ive discovered that the timely use of a Retro-rocket during the landing cycle allows one to effectively stop the aircraft in mid-air and drop it to the ground , eliminating the need for the wheels altogether 8)
  20. I present for your consideration , the Jeremiah 1.2 Lander prototype The Jeremiah has an unusual history. As part of the 'Doing it like Jeremiah challenge' (http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=2338.0) in which all liquid fuel tanks and parachutes are forbidden , ive been experimenting with re-entry gliders that utilise a used SRB as a fuselage. The 1.2 is the most reliable model yet , as it lands without killing the crew at least half the time. So far I have yet to build a booster stable enougth to lift it into orbit , so at the moment it is launched as it is , using the SRB to boost it to 3-4000 metres before rolling over to attempt a landing. The wings only just provide sufficient lift , and to quote the Infamous Zapp Branigan 'she's built like a steakhouse but she handles like a bistro'. Getting her down is not hard but she lands like a dodo , at 40 m/s and bouncing all over the place. The greatest danger in the whole operation is actually being thrown skywards again whilst trying to bleed off speed once on the ground. To this end each of the the landing gear struts is attached to a radial decoupler , so that it can be blown away once speed drops low enough (~15m/s) and the remainder of the craft drops to the ground and belly-brakes. Jeb loves that part. Its proven a usefull experiment in the very least , I hope you all enjoy practising with it 8)
  21. Yeah , the stock wings just don't have enough lift. I've been experimenting with C7s aviation mod though and have come up with a number of prototypes that show some promise. The latest is the Jebediah 1.2 , which is effectively a C30 solid booster with a delta wing , wing let-tail and some landing gear bolted on. So far its proven pretty safe , the bouncy gear surviving landing speeds of up to 50 m/s. The only problem I have found has actually been stopping , as a glitch in the part physics seems to mean that the craft only de-accelerates very slowly on the ground , and has a tendency to bounce. My solution in the .2 model was to attach the gear to radial decouplers so that once the machine had bounced its way down to 20m/s or so I can blast off the wheels and drop onto the 'belly' of the booster , which naturally pulls up pretty sharp. Success rate after a bit of practice is above 80% , so now im moving on to build a launcher to try and put this contraption in orbit.
  22. I think this is a promising line of enquiry. After a lot of trial and error , I came up with the contraption below. After a lot of practice In-atmo , ive been able to pull off a few controlled crashes. Its a pig to handle (SAS all the way) and if you dont time it all just right the landing pads will bounce you back up. Survival rate is probably 10% , which probably just makes Jeb want to fly it all the more.
  23. Ive been experimenting with a variety of mod-parts just to try and find a way to crash-land the thing , and so far they've all been tuned into paste. Either the thrusters are powerful enough to return the dropping capsule to upward flight , or aren't powerful enough to slow it down even for a crash landing. Anyone got suggestions?
  24. I sincerely Apologise. Credit transferred to where it is due.
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