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Everything posted by Aurora2021

  1. I've been having issues finding a legitimate site to upload my own rover, the "Razorback" for Harv's scrutiny. I'm aware that the deadline for the rovers has technically passed, but I feel that your rover and mine would actually compliment each other quite nicely in Harv's Munbase, check page 8 underneath the "Moving wedge" for my rover, any help on an upload site would be appreciated, images are included. Thank you.
  2. Judging by how far forward you have that docking collar projecting, I may be able to actually provide your docking station; it's a Rover Refueling Base that I've been working on for a while now and was initially designed with Harv's little rovers in mind, but it has four docking ports and I'm thinking that I might be able to raise two of them up so that your monster here can dock with it. Additionally, the base has the ability to land itself in virtually any terrain, something that's been built into it hardwire style, and has more than enough RCS to fuel any rovers that dock with it for a while yet, provided they're small enough that is, your beast here would suck the tank dry on the first transfer. The best part is, it weighs in at just below 40.00 Mass Units/Tons/Kilos (whichever until someone clarifies), and Harv's booster platform is quite capable of getting it to the Mun on the first go, I should know because I rebuilt the platform from the ground up and got the station there three times in a row with fuel to spare in the last stage.
  3. Name of Utility: Utility Rover MK.II "Razorback". Screenshot URL: http://imgur.com/0MtAmCb,E7XDp6r,VNRWBld,pkjI1Zd Total Mass of Utility: 2.59 Mass Units/Tons/Kilos approximately. Number of parts: 71. Description/Backstory of Utility: Designed as a joint venture between the KSP-SRT (Kerbal Space Program Spacecraft Recovery Team) and "Watch It Go!" Motor Vehicle Systems, the UR MK.II "Razorback" was developed with versatility in mind. The rover was designed to be Lightweight and portable, yet useful in as many roles as could be envisioned on the Mun. It was with the great optimism and "Moah Powah!" mindset inherent within the Kerbalian people that the idea for the Razorback was born. Previously, the development teams of all first generation Rovers had gone to work under the impression that "Biggah is Bettah!". Needless to say, this mindset served to boost morale, but failed to produce anything that could be considered a usable machine for the Mun base currently being constructed by the other half of the development team (Code-Named "Harv", after the team leader's pet Kat). Whilst the Mun base was doing quite well despite utilizing the same "B is B!" mindset to some extent, the Razorback had to be constructed with a very specific set of dimensions in mind; the result was a Rover that weighed 2.59 Kons Approximately, was capable of crossing the rough terrain of any planetary surface in the Solar System, and was reliable to the point of being able to survive multiple critical failures whilst still soldiering on, a trait that has been highly prized in the Space Program given the shoestring budget that the pilot training has to survive on. The Razorback was designed to be as versatile as possible while remaining sturdy enough to weather the harsh environs that it would be sent to. It could unfortunately only carry one pilot, but if several Kerbals were to hang on hard enough, the service ladder running down the dorsal length of the Rover would be suitable as a means of emergency transportation. Following the construction guidelines set before them, the development team of the Razorback ensured that the Rover would be made with only the finest in roadside scrap and obsolete parts, and only the best class dropouts would be used in its design. The Razorback's capabilities are as follows: 1: (Spacecraft recovery) The original reason for the Rover's construction besides the ever-present exploration imperative, the LT-2 Landing Strut was used due to its reputation of not breaking on first landing. Discovered in the dumpster bins behind the Harv team's building, the LT-2's used in the construction of the prototype Rovers were immediately tested at the then-incredible weight of 5 kounces, and upon conclusion of the testing, were promptly bolted onto the 1st Prototype with WIG!'s world-renowned plastic screw-bolts. The testing resulted in only one strut breaking off and only two fires in the battery system used to power the assembly, a record in the company's history of making Kars for Kerbals. 2: (Fuel transportation) The original prototype had been designed to have a body of basic RCS fuel tanks, this was discovered to be a poor design choice however as the porous glue (designed by Jebediah Kermin himself) was poorly suited to retaining the structural integrity of the Rover's spine. On the first (and only) test of the original prototype, the glue failed, and the Rover ended up rolling into the garage with only its front section. This was hailed as an emergency design feature of course, but rather than apply the "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" ideal with this particular "feature" the development team saw fit to make a couple of minor alterations to the design to improve the Rover's structural integrity. 3: (Self-Powered flight) With two fuel tanks to supply the quad Rockomax liquid mini-motors, the second prototype of the Razorback was able to reach the halfway point between the inland side of the KSC's Runway and the original KSC on the island approximately 20 Kilometers from shore before running out of fuel. It is important to keep in mind that the vehicle is not a spacecraft however, and that it will become somewhat nose-heavy after spending enough time in flight. 4: (Atmospheric operations) Glued on at the last second using Jack Jebediah's patented "Semi-Reliable Washable Glue" compound, the fourth Razorback prototype was given twin MK.2-R Radial Parachutes. The thinking behind this was that rather than trusting the prototype to survive its reentry test on the bouncyness of its "RubberMAX Junkyard Tires", the Rover should be given a means with which to slow itself before touching down. The test was a success, and the Rover's landing resulted in only minor tire damage, which was quickly fixed before the pilot of the prototype drove the vehicle back to its garage. 5: TBA. Utility file: (TBA) Name of Author: Aurora 2021 (NOT related to the town of Aurora).
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