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  1. Honestly going to agree with Specialist290 here, you'd be better off with a LKO station or with Kethane (and if you're using Kethane I'd recommend a moving station, one that you bring with you to your planet, re-fuel, then take back.
  2. Mission: Make successful Mun landing, and return leaving behind a communications dock for future use. Science officer: Bob Kerman Navigator: Bill Kerman Captain/Mun Landing: Jebediah Kerman This mission will begin to SKASA Mun Base project. It will undertake the research program for lunar science, and will begin the process of future exploration for colonization. During this research, multiple Kerbals will be relocated to the Mun for long term stay. It is planned to last for an undetermined time. On mission completion, the Kerbals will be returned to Kerbin for decommissioning. This mission was performed in secrecy, and upon it's completion the information was made public, below is the full mission report.
  3. Name of Utility: AMLAF Mk1 (All-purpose Mun Lifter and Fueler) Screenshots: 1. Front View 2. Size Comparison 3. Passenger 4. Room for 3 more total 5. Lifter in action Total Mass of Utility: Part Count: 24 / Mass: 5.53t Utility's .CRAFT file: Download Link My name: Korinra [Pronounced Kor in rah] Controls: 0: Front lifter 9: Rear lifter 8: Ladders Features: The front and rear lifters are intended for lifting and flipping equipment using force of landing legs. The front and rear of this craft are both equipped with a docking port allowing them to be chained with similar sized rovers. The two ladders allow for passengers without the added weight of a full sized bay. The rear contains a full sized round battery which allows for energy storage/transfer. The body is made up of a fuel tank which serves the rover no purpose, allowing safe fuel transfer. If somehow flipped upsidedown, then front and rear landing legs serve alternate purpose of flipping the rover right-side up. Four Thermoelectric generators allow for long run life without stopping or without need of solar panels. (3v/second charge). All stock kit, no mods/addons (though MechJeb was briefly added to get exact weight/part count). Simple yet functional, light weight and small part count, with the added utility of being able to see the Kerbals working with it, rather than sticking them in some part.
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