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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I have notice those corners. I guess it is a problem with either mipmapping or texture address clamping or both. It could be a Unity bug tho, not KSP.
  2. Humm...I just had a though! When the attitude mode goes from Orbit to Target, doen't the navball rotates as well? Or does it keep aligned to the center of the planet? The North Pole could become the Par+ and the 0. dregree orange line could become the up vector of the docking port. No need for additional icons and you even get more information. Also, the Target relative speed could have a second line telling the distance to that target. That way you need nothing else other than the navball to make any type of docking (which is probably what pro astronauts do in space for reals).
  3. Actually, you got a good point there. Lets hope devs will read this and try it out, that would be great =)
  4. While the game looks really cool (I love kerbals expressions the're so cute), there are a few areas that could have an improvement. - Atmosphere: sometimes the atmosphere gets too bright with white bands but the main issue for me is during the night, the atmosphere simply disappears. In reality, during the night, while the atmosphere does not get light from the sun and looks black, it still absorbs light coming from the sky. That means that stars and the milky way should pretty much disappear near the horizon. Also a little bit of fog would be cool. On the surface of Eve, the sky should not be visible at all at any moment because the atmosphere is so thick. - Ocean: Right now is just a transparent blue texture. You can see the bottom of the ocean a couple of miles bellow, makes no sense. It would be cool to have blue fog under the ocean so the bottom of the ocean is not visible but you could still see the bottom at the beach areas. Also, having some fresnel effect with a generic blue/greenish cube map would make the ocean look more like flowing water. - Stars: This is minor but the background have little stars and they look a bit bloby. A cool solution would be to use point sprites with a star texture using carefully generated mipmaps. You can literally have thousands of dots in the sky from tiny 1 pixel white dots to big star like dots in a single draw call.
  5. They don't use the same space suits in IVA and EVA. Even on the rockies, their IVA suits are bluish while their space suits during EVA are still white. Having different colours on their helmets would be cool.
  6. Plus one for the indicator on the navball. Not so sure about the moving dot however, really nice idea but I am afraid that it will be hard to properly align the dot to the centre of the ring. Our eyes could misjudge centrality and that would be enough to miss the docking port. I would suggest the Purple ring to have a small dot in the centre while Par+ indicator would be a bigger purple dot. I think that would help better.
  7. Those equations represent ratios between those component so they work fine as long you keep consistency. On the F=MA example: if your mass is measured in kilos and you acceleration is measured in meters per second squared then your result is going to be in kg m/s2. If instead you measure mass in pounds, distances in miles and time in hours, then your result is going to be in pounds miles/hours2 The value is going to be different because the measurements are different but the real result is the same. You can convert those values just fine. Just keep in mind that the standard says that Newtons is kg m/s2 so if you want to present the result in standard form but you do the measurements using a non standard form, you have to make the conversions after you get the result. I hope that was clear and I didnt say anything stupid (I am not a scientist =D
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