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Posts posted by Rainbowtrout

  1. Mixed sets were the worst. They're unfair on everyone involved. The higher ability kids were held back by the lower ability kids, and the lower ability kids were confused by the work. I'm not sure as to why schools believe mixed sets to be a good idea, but let me tell you: they are poison for enthusiasm. Mixed-set philosophy at my old secondary was a mess, where it took two lessons to get through a single lesson's material. The work had to be watered down to suit those who were less able.

    Some of the kids were stupid, but at the end of the day, they're not going to be occupying positions of power or relevance in 10-20 years time. Chances are if you don't know what country you are in ("What country do we live in?" being an actual quote from an old classmate), you're not going to get far. The stupid kids didn't get to me past the first couple of years (I used to be a pretentious smartA).


    Chavs (Note to non-Brits: chavs are what you might call city white trash) were bad, but the key is to understand how they operate. At the end of the day, it's a tribal mentality. If you adhere to the social norms, you're alright to them. If you act like them, then they will welcome you provided you fit the social norms. If you deviate, then you're either going to be easy picking or you need to go under the radar a bit. It helps to have a large circle of friends. Chav mentality is pack mentality. It was always a group of at least three chavs that gave everyone grief. Larger groups roamed the grounds and you were to stay well away from them. If not, you would get shoved. They establish dominance over people. Some more than others. It was a rule that every non-chav got grief from chavs, but if you appeared vulnerable to them, you would be targeted more often. As mentioned before, the best way to deal with chavs was either to become one (bad idea), or be in an equally large group with many non-chav friends, and don't be a victim.

    My experiences with state school were not great. If I ever have kids, I would gladly pay for them to go to a fee-paying school, or pray that they get into a good grammar school.

  2. I decided to go lunar today. The ship crashed down on the surface, but the two kerbals survived. With some "NASA-Mandated Three-Dimensional Mobility Device Exploration", one died. I then (for poops and giggles) to send the other one into a suborbital trajectory. For science, I assure you.

    He hit 500 m/s, and then collided with the surface head first. But, not before this poetic shot.


    One last look at home before death. 

  3. Monday was the biggest and longest torrential storm I remember. Absolutely throwing it down in the morning. Coupled with heavy winds, it was painful. Then it died out a bit, but still overcast and lightly raining. Around noon, the heavens opened. The water covered everything, and it lasted about 90 minutes. Interestingly, there was no hail. That was for the best though, I can't imagine the horror of hail being intermixed in that.

    Now it's more typical British weather. Overcast and raining occasionally.

  4. I succumbed to the hype and bought Civilization VI. I've only logged about 21 hours on it (I got it a couple of days after release or something), and it's alright. It's certainly not the best, and is missing a lot of things (Good diplomacy, anyone?), but with some time it's going to be a solid entry into the series IMO.

    I've been continuing the Great Europa Universalis IV binge (After toning down a while ago) given the release of the Rights of Man expansion. Honestly the best expansion for the game; £15 well spent! However, today my decent colonial Spain playthrough was soullessly crushed by a coalition with HRE minors and France. Oh, and the Ottomans declaring war on me over Corfu. So I maybe possibly ragequit as soon as that happened, and now I'm just holding tight until the winter sale, and to a lesser extent the Black Friday sale.

  5. As a lifelong Nintendo fan, this has my attention. Hopefully it isn't as bad as the catastrophe that was the Wii U, because if it isn't then I fear for Nintendo's future. Another bad console with a weak release selection could damage the company beyond repair.

  6. Given the longevity of some software, KSP could conceivably last to 2030. It would be a big maybe though. If it does get to that point without dwindling into the forgotten plains of the internet, it would hugely benefit from the advanced technology that we will have developed in 14 years 1, giving us an extremely realistic space simulator with amazing graphics.

    1; With that being said, 10 years ago I thought we would have colonies on Mars by now. I was most definitely wrong. 

  7. It's not out here in the UK on iOS yet. I've seen everyone posting about it all over the internet and I am incredibly jealous. Definitely downloading it as soon as it comes out - I don't care if I look weird pointing my phone everywhere trying to catch them all. *music plays*

    If you're a lucky non-Brit, discuss what you've done so far, and if you're unlucky enough to be stuck in the land of rain and wind, we can suffer together.

  8. If your wallet is as deep as your hatred for native populations and as expansive as your dreams of a colonial empire, buy Europa Universalis IV. I've wasted enjoyed nearly 800 hours on it. If you don't want to pay out loads for DLC, then look elsewhere.

  9. Laythe or Vall. They open up access to the rest of Jool's moons, and if you want, access to Eeloo. Not to mention, Laythe has water and oxygen, and Vall has the very interesting (redacted) at (redacted). The only problem is the lack of sunlight. Maybe you could try landing on the sun.

  10. Moved over to the Kerbal Network, where forum features and other such things are discussed.

    On-topic, I agree that polls can be easily biased towards the creator's preferences. But, you can't expect the OP of a poll to scrutinise the question and the options to make it evenly balanced. If they did that, then polls would be a lot more accurate. The real question is, why didn't you create a poll to discuss polls?

  11. Damn. Out of all game devs that I've given money to, the KSP team is one of the best, and that would make you the best of the best. You've created this wonderful game, where we can live our dreams. The next generation could be inspired by this. In fact, I would bet that they are. You've been great at everything, addressing concerns, talking with the community, and now, 5 years later, you're moving on to greener pastures. I wish you, and whoever will succeed you the best of luck, as you've been simply amazing, and your heir has some massive shoes to fill. Goodbye.

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