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Everything posted by JonathanS223

  1. Having the same problem to. Here are two sets of logs from different different attempts to launch. It's throwing an access violation. Hope the logs help! https://www.dropbox.com/s/l8k4hpac6mfx2lu/2017-09-30_161830.zip?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/pqpxq966e6wr0q3/2017-09-30_162248.zip?dl=0
  2. That's just what I needed. Thank you! Your help is very much appreciated!
  3. Hello Modders, I have a question for you when it comes to the kerbal solar system. I have seen mods with other planets and I have read a few things about computers getting weighed down by tracking everything that was happening. With the way KSP runs, is there a namesspace or class that can tell the program to reload the solar system utilizing a different set of DLLs and information? In essence, replace the persistence file and all the planets and modules with a new set? Pretty much only running one solar system at a time? This question may be very generic, but I thought to throw it out here from my planning and plotting. Thanks for your time!
  4. Well, since that incident, i've calmed down enough. LOL I'm glad that this issue has been noticed before. Sorry to sound complaining all and I appreciate the responses.
  5. I'm not sure what damaged destroyed it honestly. I just know that the Crew Cabin was attached to the Grabber unit when it touched down on water, when the ship rolled, anything that wasn't a command module exploded, including the mission generated crew cabin. This landing was in water.
  6. Thanks for your response, let me rephrase it a bit better. The crew Cabin was attached to a Advanced Claw Unit and when I landed in the water, it exploded instead of floating there. I landed at 2.5 m/s. I had a lot of chutes to slow me down cause I was expecting something nasty on impact if I was to fast.
  7. Hello all! This might just be me griping after a three hour game that went bad (and I was to focused to remember to save), but I was completing a mission where you rescue a kerbal from orbit of Minmas. Everything went to plan including the landing. The part the really made me mad as I thought it would work is that the Kerbal, which was in a Crew Cabin, hit the water with the rest of my ship and exploded instead of float like the Crew Cabin that was attached to my vessel. It makes no sense that the crew cabin I put on my ship would survive landing in water while the OTHER one for the mission would blow up instead. Is this a design flaw or have I missed something? Cause if it's a flaw, I highly recommend getting it set that all Crew Cabins can float in the water. Thanks for your time!
  8. Hello all! Hope you are all having a great holiday time. My question is in regards to modded planets. I have done a search on the forum and can't seem to find anything, but is their plugin data on how you could add your own planet to KSP as a mod? Wanted to get some info before I moved any farther on the idea. Thanks!
  9. Congratulations! I have yet to land on the moon though I got the Krebnik I (a probe) to orbit it. I guess my challenge streak had me aiming for Eve. Got a few Kerbals stranded out there.
  10. Day 1,885 "The mission to rescue Armond continues with the Armond's Hope command module under construction. So far, the tests have shown there seems to be an issue with the way the TT-38K Radial Decouplers. On the first launches, they seemingly release their booster for no reason, even under less the 1.5Gs. After many failed attempts over the past five years to design an spacecraft able to rescue Armond, the leadership at Imperial Kerbal Command has decided a multistage ship will need to be constructed. This means we are back to attempting docking manuevers. I am really surprised they are going to do this after that fiasco with the SusannaCore Space Station. The habitat module at 250 meters per second in to the station should have been a lesson." ~Col. Krebit Kermin "Decouplers, couplers, boosters both liquid stage, my team has been experimenting with every type known to Kerbalkind. We would like to respectfully ask the brass above to give us a break. Multistage craft are not easy to design let alone dealing with this bug in the structure weight for heavy lifters. We will get the command module up in the air as soon as we can. On a good note, Deda Kermin is coming a long with his pilot training. Hopefully he'll survive the next test launch. I'm starting to get worried our 80% success rate for our kerbalnauts living is going to start dropping toward the 65% mandate." ~Dr. Mentel Kermin "NOTE TO ENGINEERING STAFF: Please pay attention to the arrows on the decouplers and the engines. You want them facing the direction you want the flame and part to go. I will not tolerate another mishap in my department. I cannot continually justify whole sale replacement of our equipment. Furthermore, I tired of the jokes about our "fire sale furniture". Gordon Kermin, Director of Engine Tests
  11. Introduction Armond. It is a hope and a watch word in our culture. Five years ago an accident with four solid state rockets sent poor Armond Kermin in to interplanetary space. These five years we have been trying to rescue him. It is time the public understand the dangers of our space program and how much effort we are putting in to rescuing our friend in space. Thank goodness he has enough foodpacks to last him quite a long time. MISSION STATUS: In Progress Told from the perspective of the Kerbals who run the show!
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