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Everything posted by Emeegeemee

  1. Thats what the gps is for, which should be next to the dish in the assembly building.
  2. Do you have any mods other than isa mapsat installed?
  3. exactly what I wanted thank you much Well this mod was started before the resources were available and wasn't written to support them but Innsewerants has said people have requested it so he'll look into it.
  4. So here's what some fiddling with the map color code ended up doing https://www.dropbox.com/s/oumbvvfkz6n9xcl/Kerbin_topo.png Anyone have a map of kerbin they could post?
  5. Look in aerodynamics it looks like a satellite dish.
  6. Point taken but I've actually talked to him last week when I sent the fix to the stuttering issue to innsewerants.
  7. There shouldn't be any lag so long as the mapsat is off
  8. Yep just use the GPS. Welcome back to ksp.
  9. 1) That would work. 2) Nope it still finds all of the anomalies. 3) Yes you can remove the satellites and still keep the maps and anomalies.
  10. I assume you mean the protractor? Unfortunately it can't be moved to the best of my knowledge.
  11. Duh forgot about raw data, and I thought we were talking about the in game map. I was also talking about the scanning ray as well.
  12. Actually the code used to map is more like a checkerboard than anything else, but the mapping to a sphere makes it look round. I'm not really sure where this whole hi-rez thing is coming from the map will never be more the 400x200 pixels, all the mapsat does is continuously average the areas that have been mapped previously. As of right now the size is fixed but innsewerants has told me he wants to add zoomable maps.
  13. I would if its ok with Innsewerant because this is his mod not mine Im just filling the need of updating it for now
  14. Ok just sent the modified code to Innsewerants we'll see what he thinks of it
  15. Its more than likely ISA. Yes the source code is one hell of a mess, but I was actually able to fix the stuttering, so right now I'm currently waiting for the owner to reply to me to see if I can get it updated.
  16. Ok so I've fixed the stuttering im going to try a get a hold of Innsewerants to see if he'd be willing to upload it
  17. After slowly working my way through the source code provided i believe I've found the cause of the stuttering at launch. It seem to be due to the mapsat saving anomaly locations to file way to often. From the code it seems to save all the anomalies every time it finds a single one, and since you could be near the anomaly for a long time it starts to add up.
  18. Well since it seems like the dev might no longer be supporting it I've actually started to look at the source code provided and have gotten it to run for 0.19.1. Not sure who put the updated version on space port though.
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