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Posts posted by Emeegeemee

  1. Noob question, can I view the data i've collected from MapSat on other vessels, for instances of I wanted to land on Mun, I would first send a map sat probe, map it could I see that info on my lander that doesn't have the mapsat dish?

    Thats what the gps is for, which should be next to the dish in the assembly building.

  2. Is this the map your after ?

    exactly what I wanted thank you much

    I have noticed that the scanner still works when there is no power left in batteries. Would it be possible to fix that?

    Well this mod was started before the resources were available and wasn't written to support them but Innsewerants has said people have requested it so he'll look into it.

  3. Thanks Emeegeemee! I assume once I map a celestial body I just need to use the GPS unit? I used Mapsat a long time ago several versions back, then I took a long break from KSP and now I just can't remember all these things for the life of me, or well, I have a vague idea of how things work just... not 100% sure, and I would like my new missions to not get screwed by a silly mistake thanks to my memory D: or lack of it.

    Yep just use the GPS.

    Welcome back to ksp.

  4. Hello! Question for all the vets using Mapsat, and apologies in advance for the, likely, dumb question :P or actually three questions;

    1) What would be the best way to map Kerbin? Would it be efficient to do a near north orbit at 100km? or?

    2) I'm using the latest version of this mod, the one found at SpacePort; Do I need to do any tweaking to the files in order for my satellite to find all the possible new anomalies since that version came out?

    3) I saw a post or a couple where the person states that having a few sats working at the same time can start causing lag issues or stuttering and what not, my question would be, once I fully map say Kerbin, can I take down my satellite and keep the map, complete with coordinates for anomalies and what not? Or would it be a good idea to write down the coordinates to all anomalies and then take the satellite down?

    Thanks a ton :)

    1) That would work.

    2) Nope it still finds all of the anomalies.

    3) Yes you can remove the satellites and still keep the maps and anomalies.

  5. I was referring to the scanning ray from the satellite to the ground, which forms a cone.

    You can generate high resolution bitmaps from the command line based on the data points you have scanned.

    Duh forgot about raw data, and I thought we were talking about the in game map.

    I was also talking about the scanning ray as well.

  6. I sent a message to the mod maker over his youtube channel. I got this response back.


    I'm planning to continue the work of updating the features I demo'd a while ago on youtube and optimize it.

    I just haven't had time because of this thing some people like to call "real" life ;)

    But I haven't abandoned it, just simply no time for it or gaming either, haven't even been able play 19 yet.

    I hope to have some time for it again soon. outside of the zoomable maps and some other idea's I have I will leave resources alone and wait to see what Squad's going to do with it and it might fit with Mapsat.

    So if I get everything done before 0.20 there will be a release prior to 0.20 and I won't wait for it.

    Hope that answers your question.



    So its not abandoned just Life getting in the way, as it does with any cool thing anyone wants to do. :)

    Dude hasn't been around for like seven months.

    Dud you need to read

    Can we get that in writing? From him?

    page 82

  7. It's conical from the spacecraft to the ground, but you don't have to aim the dish.

    Actually the code used to map is more like a checkerboard than anything else, but the mapping to a sphere makes it look round.

    if your looking for high rez maps you can get them at 60k and that gives you the ability to X50 warp.

    I'm not really sure where this whole hi-rez thing is coming from the map will never be more the 400x200 pixels, all the mapsat does is continuously average the areas that have been mapped previously.

    Is it possible to create (and show in-game) maps with better resolution than 400x256?

    As of right now the size is fixed but innsewerants has told me he wants to add zoomable maps.

  8. Confirming that the issue is with ISA MapSat. The lag only occurs when both a remotetech instrument and an isa mapsat dish are on the vessel. I couldn't tell you whether ISA is causing something in remotetech to lag up the place or vice versa because ISA's sourcecode is in one 1300 line file, and I'm way too inebriated right now to profile the crawling chaos that is a beginner programmer's project.

    Its more than likely ISA.

    Yes the source code is one hell of a mess, but I was actually able to fix the stuttering, so right now I'm currently waiting for the owner to reply to me to see if I can get it updated.

  9. After slowly working my way through the source code provided i believe I've found the cause of the stuttering at launch. It seem to be due to the mapsat saving anomaly locations to file way to often. From the code it seems to save all the anomalies every time it finds a single one, and since you could be near the anomaly for a long time it starts to add up.

  10. HGG, yeah, technicly it has. however it works just fine in 19.1 IF you download the version on the Spaceport (not the older version on the opening post).

    (only 2 'issues' in 19.1)

    1) some people get bad lag during launch of a Mapsat. Turn OFF Mapping before launch to prevent this. just remember to turn it on again when in orbit of the body you want to map.

    2) Eello data needs to be fixed by the user. (open up your hilo.dat and add the line Eeloo;-500;3500 to the end, use notepad++, or just delete the file and mapsat will recreate it correctly after a few min the next time you start ksp).

    as a side note: only put either Mapping antennas, OR the GPS system on a single craft. not both. (you CAN have more than one mapping Antenna on a craft, that works fine)

    Well since it seems like the dev might no longer be supporting it I've actually started to look at the source code provided and have gotten it to run for 0.19.1. Not sure who put the updated version on space port though.

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