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Everything posted by Bel_Riose

  1. The main topics of discussion now are new features like science. But there is some things that are left from previous stage of development with all those snadbox stuff: parts, engines, etc.. I suggest to add two parts: LARGE NERVA and RADIAL SEPARATORS. These parts are logically needed. Its absence is annoying. There is 1.25 nuclear engine, why should I install KSPX for its analogue for larger form-factor? We have now separators and decouplers of each standart, even three radial decoupler, why we still don't have radial separators? Devs, please, take a break from new cool features and finish the puzzle of stock parts.
  2. It is not working in 0.22, causes the game to crash while loading.
  3. Even with bugfix it is not working properly, it hides new subassembly tab.
  4. I absolutely support the idea about keepeng kepbal history, but I think that modifications of parameters of kerbals should be separated from this suggestion. Kerbal parameters must depend on different stuff and incorporating RPG elements in the game is not a priority now. But each player keeps history of his kerbals in his mind and the necessity of kerbal history journal is obvious.
  5. There is the knowledge base, right? It is in "Tracking station" and for every planet and vessel it contains general info. I suggest to add one more tab in tracking station window which will show all experements results(text messange and science score output) for chosen planet and all stored science reports for vessels. If an experiment was performed multiple times then there should be results of the last time. With this sysytem there will be no need to memorize what you did on which planet. Then it will be useful to have in R&D menu the buttin "go to knowledge base"
  6. Did you think that kerbals can spend years in small tin can without needs? This is Jeb, returned from single pilot mission to Jool. Or, maybe, he met there somethis, that has changed him forever...
  7. This is really cool that you are making procedural fairings. I always thought that fairings is ksp must be resizable in game, otherwise it will be not useful. So, please, continue your work and we will wait for qualitative implementation, that will solve ksp fairing issue :-)
  8. I made this illustration for the song:
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