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  1. It would be nice to have this in the SPH though. Maybe the modders can fix this. Makes sense to me. The yellow spikes also indicate lift but remind you that yellow lift vectors can change direction when using the controls.
  2. Did anyone notice this feature in the 1.0 preview videos? I was really looking forward to this but is seems to be cancelled.
  3. Great idea. I always knew something felt wrong with science. But I didn't know what. This idea would be great for immersion too. Now its really immersion breaking when you land in a new Mun Biome and you cannot call home and tell them about it because that would cost you science points. I'm all for it.
  4. Thanks for your post. I was having trouble understanding science. So if you do a return trip to the mun and want to collect every science point there is to grab in the zones/biomes you are passing through on your trip you will need an impossible amount of Goo cannisters and Material bays? If I'm correct you pass through these zones on such a trip: - Kerbin Low orbit - Kerbin high orbit - Mun High orbit - Mun low orbit - Mun Biome you have landed in. So 20 Goos and 20 Material bays needed to gather all science right? Is this how it works?
  5. Welcome to the fun!! You better start planning a rescue mission. Your kerbal should be all right until he is rescued. I've done it lots of times. He's not going to run out of air or something.
  6. This does not make sense to me. So obviously the commutron 16 is always the best choice because it uses less power. It takes longer to transmit but who cares about waiting 10sec or 20sec. I would have liked it better if there was a reason to choose the 88-88 because it gives you more science. Then the extra power usage would be worth it.
  7. I think you are overdoing it with the new version. The original is simpler and cleaner. In my opinion the original looks better. But its your call. I love your work
  8. Amazing work. I'll try it out as soon as possible. Great idea. This holds promise.
  9. Great work! you are a promising modder. One to be watched. Thanks.
  10. Great work! I just discovered your mod and decided to equip my colonization vessel with a solarheat shield. The result is simply awesome. Now i gotto change its Jool mission, damned. To the sun!!! Some pics below:
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